THE BEARING: Can you speak your Mother tongue?
Download Here Language is a means of cultural preservation, It symbolizes identity. Traditionally, the Igbo man is known for his pride in his language and cultural heritage. But how many can today boast of having knowledge of their Mother tongue? With the world now a digital village, how many Igbos of this day can […]

Language is a means of cultural preservation, It symbolizes identity.
Traditionally, the Igbo man is known for his pride in his language and cultural heritage. But how many can today boast of having knowledge of their Mother tongue? With the world now a digital village, how many Igbos of this day can proudly and fluently speak the Igbo language? Or even write it?
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THE BEARING: One good reason why people bleach
On the Bearing, we will be starting a 4 part series on “The extinction of our indigenous languages” in this episode, we will be focusing on the Igbo language.
How many Igbo speaking youth can actually speak and write fluently in their Mother tongue?