Cancer and need for advocacy, proper diet

As the world marks World Cancer Day (WCD),  we call for intensive advocacy, proper dietary and regular checkups as means of reducing the spread of cancer. We also call for global support and individual states to do more in taming the scourge of cancer disease globally. Out of the estimated 2.1 million new cases of […]

Cancer and need for advocacy, proper diet


As the world marks World Cancer Day (WCD),  we call for intensive advocacy, proper dietary and regular checkups as means of reducing the spread of cancer. We also call for global support and individual states to do more in taming the scourge of cancer disease globally.

Out of the estimated 2.1 million new cases of cancer over 58 percent occur in less developed countries and cancer like many other deadly diseases does not choose according to the class, national, cultural or any other position, adding that it has a global scale and anybody may step into a new day being knocked down by cancer.

There is well known principle: it is better to prevent than to cure, research has shown that there is a direct link between the dietary preferences, physically active way of life, normal weight and cancer prevention. The statistics says that around 30-40 percent of cancers are associated with the diet.

Some food produce, may increase your cancer risk meanwhile others may inhibit cancer cell growth. The question is what are these magic products which will contribute to our well being? To get them, we do not need to go to other countries of the world and there is no need to earn a fortune to buy them, everything we need to fight cancer is here in Nigeria.

You just need to eat foods of plant origin rich with nutrients, vitamins, mineral and fiber. The crucial issue is that you must consume these foods on a daily basis. It should become your habit to have enough daily portion of dietary beneficial food.

Research has equally shown that the Mediterranean diet is the best approach to tackle cancer. In the world there is no better option for those who are in search of having a fruit and vegetable dense meal. The Mediterranean eating culture excludes all negative factors that may provoke cancer. People should reduce the consumption of red meat to the barest minimum, and every dish has a balanced combination of effective anti-cancer elements.

We call on government at all levels to step up advocacy on the need for citizens to go for regular medical checkups and proper dietary.

Dr. Jumai Ahmadu, President, Helpline Foundation for the Needy, Abuja.