Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You Fight for Fair Compensation

The aftermath of serious car accidents is always devastating, and it affects almost every part of a victim’s life. You may have lost your ability to make a living, but also be faced with medical bills piling up by the day. You may also be contending with severe physical and psychological pain. If the accident […]

Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You Fight for Fair Compensation

The aftermath of serious car accidents is always devastating, and it affects almost every part of a victim’s life. You may have lost your ability to make a living, but also be faced with medical bills piling up by the day. You may also be contending with severe physical and psychological pain.

If the accident in which you suffer harm is a consequence of the negligent action of another driver, you could get compensated for the damages.

It Do I Need a Car Accident Attorney?

It is possible to pursue a car accident claim on your own. Still, representing yourself is never a good idea if your injuries are severe. Though their agents usually seem friendly and caring, insurance companies are not on your side. Most insurance companies lower the amount of compensation you can receive when you do not have someone to protect your rights.

Hiring a lawyer may seem expensive, but statistics show that getting an attorney increases your chances of recovering fair compensation by up to five times, so hiring an auto accident lawyer is worth it. Also, most car accident attorneys do not charge until they win your case and you are compensated.

How Exactly Can a Lawyer Help?

You may be wondering how an attorney can help you recover compensation after a car accident. The biggest advantage to hiring an attorney who is skilled in dealing with auto accident claims is that your lawyer will be your legal advocate.

You may be entitled to more damages than what an insurance company tells you about. Your lawyer will not only provide important legal knowledge about your rights but he or she will also fight to protect those rights and to help you receive all of the compensation to which you are legally entitled.

Evidence Collection

First, a lawyer will help in gathering evidence. It is always advisable to gather evidence from an accident scene to help solidify your case. However, your lawyer may collect evidence on your behalf if you lose consciousness or have severe injuries.

Also, your lawyer can help you gather additional evidence, such as the police report, video footage from premises near the scene, or vehicle maintenance records, if needed.

After gathering evidence, your lawyer will file a claim on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your healing while knowing that someone has your back.

Your Auto Accident Lawyer will Command Respect

After filing a claim, the next stage is the discovery phase. This is when both sides conduct their investigations and compare the evidence they plan to present, should the case go to trial. In most situations, it’s also the phase that leads to settlement negotiations.

The discovery phase is like the stare-down before a boxing match. The defendant and their insurers use this phase to determine how to approach the negotiations.

If you have a lawyer present, the defendant’s attorney will be more respectful in their approach and potentially start at a high offer in the negotiations. “Most injury cases resolve at the negotiation stage, involving giving and taking from both sides. The case may proceed to trial if it does not resolve in the negotiations phase,” says personal injury lawyer Matt O’Grady of OnderLaw, LLC.

To recover compensation at trial, you must prove to a jury that the defendant caused the accident in question through negligent conduct and that the accident caused you harm. You also have to show why you deserve the figure you demand in your claim.

Most Lawyers Are Humane

Going to trial comes with significant risk in many cases. It is impossible to determine ahead of time how a jury will perceive and react to the facts of a case. But, if you have a lawyer with experience in winning trial cases, you would still have a decent chance of recovering fair compensation.

Lawyers get a bad rap mainly because of a few unprofessional lawyers that leave clients feeling scammed. The truth is that most lawyers are very humane in their conduct.

Typically, most car accident attorneys understand the pain and suffering accident victims endure, so they provide their clients with a shoulder to lean on.

Contact an OnderLaw Car Accident Lawyer

Our OnderLaw auto accident team of legal professionals is considered to be among the best car accident lawyers. While many attorneys are quick to settle cases, our team often pushes for the most compensation we believe our clients should receive. At times, that means holding out for trial, if necessary, in order to do well for our clients.

Insurance companies keep track of which attorneys are brave enough to take them to court and which ones settle early in the process. They also keep records of which lawyers accept smaller amounts of compensation on behalf of their clients, and which ones push for more.

OnderLaw auto accident lawyers have earned a reputation as being strong advocates for our clients. When you suffer serious injuries in a car accident, we are here for you. Call us today!