Career progression

In a situation where one has settled down in an organisation, certain stability achieved, what comes next is progress in ones career otherwise called career progression. We shall take a look at the next steps at what next after one has identified his/her career path, skills & competencies required to push one up the success […]

Career progression

In a situation where one has settled down in an organisation, certain stability achieved, what comes next is progress in ones career otherwise called career progression.

We shall take a look at the next steps at what next after one has identified his/her career path, skills & competencies required to push one up the success or career ladder, relevant professional exams, performance appraisal, promotion and career challenges, future plans, etc.

Career progression is a deliberate line of action or steps taken to progress or improve one’s career till the career peak is achieved. It’s a culmination of activities the employee must undergo to achieve ultimate career success.

The processes of required to follow in order to achieve career growth and progression are many.  Some of these steps are:

Identify your career goal: This involves an acknowledgement of an employee’s career goal or dream. What do you want to become, career-wise? It is always better to think big, be ambitious and focused.

Gain relevant work experience: It is expected that the employee has mapped out his/her career path in a plan, as discussed elaborately in the previous article on Career Path Development. The employee is expected to work with this document, and adjust as applicable.  As one grows on a job, amendments may be necessary in ones plans and ambitions.

Distinguish yourself positively: The employee must genuinely show passion / enthusiasm for given work. One needs to understand the job deliverables, deliver quality work consistently and within set time-lines. In addition, the employee should realise that one cannot function effectively, in a silo at work. Therefore, one must be a good team player by working well with others and across different departments, divisions or groups at work.  This way, one gradually works up his/her way to being team lead. As team lead, one should ensure that he/she recognizes and/or develop talents in other team members, by praising / encouraging them constantly. This will ensure to be noticed by leadership of the organization.

In executing all of the above, he/she must ensure that one doesn’t turn in to a “doormat” by trying to please superior colleagues. One must consciously, subconsciously and respectfully set boundaries which ensure he/she isn’t turned into a “doormat”.  Above all one must about the pall him/her down syndrome by talking bad about colleagues.  One must mind his/her business!

Successful performance appraisal / promotion: The employee must work towards achieving excellent results from his/her performance appraisal, as these have a direct correlation to promotion in the organization, and ultimately, career progression.  Thus, the employee must understand the indices of performance appraisal, such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), targets, and other soft qualities or skills, one will be appraised on. He/she should discuss these issues with the supervisor, so that unrealistic targets or immeasurable soft qualities are revisited, agreed upon and or reset, If and When necessary.

It is highly recommended that the employee conducts a self – appraisal frequently, so the one identifies areas that require additional self input, before the organization’s company appraisal period commences. This way, one is constantly motivated to do better, so as to benefit consistently from each appraisal event, thereby progressing in the career.

Obtain professional certifications: The employee must keep abreast with industry best practices. As such one is expected to train continuously and obtain certifications in an industry of choice. Further, one is expected to join relevant professional bodies, groups or associations. This help provide better insight into job role, deliverables, expectations and how to handle any challenges, therefrom. Further, these platforms also provide networking opportunities for the employee to be visible in the industry.

Master the art of public speaking: Not everyone is blessed with the “gift of the garb.” However, this can be learned and mastered, like almost any other thing one wants to learn. In addition, practise makes perfect; so the employee should seize the opportunities that come his/her way, in this regard. This could be at departmental meetings, or social gatherings. This skill is required for your career progression as it prepares the employee for leadership. Additionally, it separates the employee from the rest of the pack, particularly, if one discusses intelligently and always makes sense.  One must also learn to control the tongue to speak only when and where necessary.

Consistently getting things done the right way: The employee is to ensure that one adheres to the rules and policies of the organization, in the line of work. There should be no negative approaches to getting things done. This way, the employee would be genuinely happy and enjoy the gains of career success, without any negative stories anywhere.

Self – assessment: This cannot be over-emphasized. At different times in our lives, we need to re-assess our goals and current status / achievement levels. From these, the employee would know whether to change or adjust goals accordingly.

Social club membership: One must have a regular period of introspection, self review or critique and assessment. As your career progresses, it is recommended that the employee joins a Social Club. Beyond the networking opportunities this platform provides, one could also learn how to play games like golf, polo, etc. These aid the employee’s general health and fitness.  Moreover, this may help develop, improve or enhance ones emotional intelligence which is required in a success career journey.

In conclusion, as the employee’s career is progressing, one must create time to plan for the future, as one may not have a career for an entire lifetime. Many things could happen. For instance, if there’s an economic downturn, one may lose the job / career, and need to pursue other means of sustenance. More details about these would be provided in upcoming articles.

“Recite: In the name of thy Lord who created man from a clot. Recite: And thy Lord is the Most Generous Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.”

Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”