Catholic Caritas Nigeria donates to needy in Abuja

The Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (CCFN) an organ of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) on Sunday in Abuja donated food and clothing materials to the needy as part of activities marking this year’s World Day of the Poor in the country. Speaking at the event held at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria […]

Catholic Caritas Nigeria donates to needy in Abuja

The Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (CCFN) an organ of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) on Sunday in Abuja donated food and clothing materials to the needy as part of activities marking this year’s World Day of the Poor in the country.

Speaking at the event held at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) Durumi Abuja, the Secretary General of CSN, Rev. Fr. Zacharia Samjumi, said Nigerians must be each other’s brother keeper and that helping the needy is also helping the society.

He said this year’s World Day of the Poor themed “The Hope of the Poor will not Perish Forever” is apt and should be accorded the maximum priority to cater for the poor.

He said the third Sunday of November every is set aside as the World Day of the Poor, being a day set aside to remember the poor people in the communities, by lending a helping hand to them, and showing them support and love, which effortlessly give them hope.

On his part, the Executive Secretary/CEO Caritas Nigeria and National Director, Church and Society Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria Durumi Dr. Uchechukwu Obodoechina, said this year’s theme underscores the truth that, though underprivileged, the poor members in the society are not without hope.

“What, then, does this mean? In the midst of the sufferings and injustices which confront them, their faith never eludes them. In our society, we see poverty on the streets, at the work place, in our neighbourhood, even in the house of God! This poverty is caused by greed, injustice, avarice, armed conflict, unemployment, political unrest, economic disintegration and so on.

“As noted by Pope Francis, daily, the poor yearn for the love of God, made visible by “the saints next door”, who by the simplicity of their lives, express clearly the power of Christian love. How is this Christian love epitomized? Noble acts of charity and love shown the poor and solidarity with them in their plights, strengthen their resolve to push through misfortunes. The acts of kindness shown the poor militate against the alienation of any member of the body of Christ. It is in light of this that the Catholic Church demonstrates her unity even in our cultural and religious diversities,” Obodoechina said.

He also said that the World’s Aids Day being celebrated annually on 1st December annually affords everyone the opportunity to raise awareness about the HIV epidemic, and to remember those who have died as a result of the AIDS epidemic.

According to him, most importantly, the commemoration of World Aids Day is an opportunity to show love to those living with the virus, a call to end stigma and discrimination against PLHIV, and a platform to encourage all people to know their HIV status and take necessary actions.

“In line with the theme of this year’s celebration Communities make the difference humanitarian actors and communities, who have been instrumental to the crusade against this scourge, were appreciated,” he said.