Celebrating Spain in five days

Beginning with the performance of ‘Eloise Under the Almond Tree’ by Spanish playwright Enrique Jardiel Poncela  set in the 1940s, the presentation of the piece by the Jos Repertory Theatre gave it an African flare as all present readily associated with its theme: ‘loyalty and forgiveness’ while examining the lives of two dysfunctional and intertwined […]

Celebrating Spain in five days
Celebrating Spain in five days

Beginning with the performance of ‘Eloise Under the Almond Tree’ by Spanish playwright Enrique Jardiel Poncela  set in the 1940s, the presentation of the piece by the Jos Repertory Theatre gave it an African flare as all present readily associated with its theme: ‘loyalty and forgiveness’ while examining the lives of two dysfunctional and intertwined families, the Ojedas and Briones.

The exhibition theme, ‘Sharing a common heritage’, was inspired by UNESCO’s recognition of Spain’s intangible, cultural, natural and mixed heritage for their outstanding universal value.

Looking at the works without prior knowledge of the exhibition, many guests criticized most of the works for their lack of apt interpretation of the theme, but after viewing the photographs, which inspired the works displayed, there was a dramatic change in facial expressions from mild frowns to smiles and head nods.

Mr. Ibukun Samuel Sonde emerged overall winner followed by Mr. Modestus Chuks and Miss Tyna Adebowale in second and third places respectively.

At a reception held at the residence Spain’s   Ambassador to Nigeria,, on the Spanish National Day, Alvaro Castilo Aguilar, said “it is a great honour and it gives me particular pleasure to express my gratitude for your presence here today, commemorating with us the 520th Anniversary of our National Day, October 12th, 1492.

“Even if Spain is an old nation with a long history, it is not a country that looks to the past. On the contrary, it is a modern and dynamic democracy, which has successfully managed her history to forge, for all and by all, a legal framework which has provided a long period of peace, prosperity and stability in liberty, as well as a recognition of our own linguistic and cultural diversity.”

Aguilar said although the Spanish economy  once ranked among the 12 biggest of the world, “has not been immune to the worst financial and economic crises to afflict the planet in the past 70 years, and has been severely affected in its long growth cycle.”

For many, the peak of the week was the world famous dance performance of the flamenco which was further climaxed with a meal of grand paella.  The energetic performance of the artistes in costumes and nimble steps kept audience glued to their seats with permanent smiles and feet set as if they could move as swiftly as did the feet which they watched in envy entertain them.

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