Celebrating the ideal mother!

 It is not at all easy to play the role of a mother. There are no hard and fast written rules to be the ideal mother. The most important tip would be to understand the responsibility of instilling the best values in the child’s mind and bring the child up to be a confident, happy […]

Celebrating the ideal mother!
Celebrating the ideal mother!

 It is not at all easy to play the role of a mother. There are no hard and fast written rules to be the ideal mother. The most important tip would be to understand the responsibility of instilling the best values in the child’s mind and bring the child up to be a confident, happy and good human being.

The difference between mothers from one part of the world to the other simply does not exist and so are the feelings of children. All over the world, people love to celebrate their mothers and shower love on them.

The occupation of ‘motherhood’ is the oldest in the history of mankind. It is the “mother” of all occupations, if you will allow me to say so. Mothers have been given the job of carrying, delivering and nurturing the next life. They are still doing and would continue to do so.

In most cases, it is the mother who is responsible for protection, nourishment and guidance of the kids in the family before literarily joining the larger society.

Men most definitely have their place in the rearing of a child, and it does not go unnoticed. Fathers have their position and specialty in the world of procreation and rearing, but I believe that throughout history, the position of motherhood has been one that is laughed at, mocked or under-rated. The occupation of “life bearer, deliverer and protector” was not just a job found at your local job fair; it was created by God and given only to women, who he felt, in His own wisdom, were the only ones suited for handling and executing the job properly, although it is said that is one of the prices we women have to pay for man’s first sin on earth.  

If we look at the position of ‘mother’, they are teachers in different spheres: are spiritual, emotional, organizational and life coaches. In this age, we know the pressure is higher for mothers at work.  

The whole day is most likely landened with one kind of stress or the other, and they welcome it with open arms. Why? Because they are mothers and it’s what they do best, being the multi-tasking gurus that they are.

 As the years roll by, the requirements of motherhood seem harder to meet.

Times have changed with increasing demands, but the position of motherhood still remains the same; the bond and love from mother to child doesn’t change and neither will the innate desire to be available to our children when necessary ever change. In fact, now is the time that mother-child bond is even more demanded given the hypnotizing nature of the ever changing world.

 It seems as if something spiritual happens to a mother once their baby is born. Not only does the mother receive a spiritual connection with her baby, she seems to be suddenly connected to other children asides hers.

There is always an invisible ‘umbilical cord’ attached from the mother to her child even years after delivery. Mothers, notwithstanding the circumstances, always want the best for the children and will always be there for them through thick and thin. Listening to Christy Igbokwe’s lyrics, there she stressed that if a child turns out good the father claims he is his true child but if he turns out otherwise, he is confined to be the mother.

Mothers over time have learnt to be very patient, tolerant and firm in their decisions so that the child can become a good citizen to carry on the family’s name.

 The title of ‘mother’ is still on deck, waiting to receive a much bigger welcome of its value than what it has been given. Hearing passersby say “the hardest job in the world is being a mother” is a true testament to the heavy duty motherhood carries along, but the action to provide changes to help today’s mom is still in slow gear.     

Motherhood can be exhilarating, yet frightening, joyful, and yet confusing. It can be the most rewarding-and undervalued-job in the world. A stay-at-home mom is  called a full time house wife, but with the economic crunch making the man to feel heavily burdened, that tag seem to be less attractive nowadays. This has pushed many mothers out to help maintain the home.

If all mothers are valued, celebrated and given the right respect and dignity, it could lead to a happier motherhood which in turn produces happy and responsible children, happy families which finally results in an excellent society. Really mothers deserve to be celebrated.

So call up your mum and let her know how much you appreciate her as your mother.