Centre to dialogue on peace, security

The Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development (SCDDD) is set to hold a national dialogue aimed at entrenching peace, ensuring security of lives and property and engendering sustainable development in Nigeria. According to a statement by Ambassador Sani S. Bala, the Executive Director of SCDDD, the need to hold the dialogue is borne out […]

Centre to dialogue on peace, security

The Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development (SCDDD) is set to hold a national dialogue aimed at entrenching peace, ensuring security of lives and property and engendering sustainable development in Nigeria.

According to a statement by Ambassador Sani S. Bala, the Executive Director of SCDDD, the need to hold the dialogue is borne out of unsatisfactory government responses to the challenges of governance in Nigeria.

Amb Bala said, “Motivated by the shared belief that Nigerians of different ethnic nationalities will tolerate their religious and cultural differences to work together conscientiously for the common cause of rebuilding a united and prosperous Nigerian nation;

“Driven by its total commitment to the promotion of durable peace, unity, good governance and sustainable development in a united Nigeria; and desirous of restoring public confidence in the Nigerian state, after due consultation with various stakeholders, we offer to mainstream a society-driven national dialogue to attain consensus on workable pathways to durable peace, national unity, security and sustainable development.”

The centre, therefore, has invited like-minded and willing Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to join in the task of driving the process of a meaningful national dialogue that could lay sound basis for the development of the common grounds for durable peace, national unity, security and sustainable development in Nigeria.

The statement further reads: “The SCDDD and the CSOs and other groups are expected to commence their deliberations at the zonal level. Although our national challenges are varied and widespread, the zonal level deliberations shall focus on these interrelated thematic areas of unity, security, youth engagement and CSO-government partnerships.”