Centre trains 76 female entrepreneurs in ICT

The National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) on Tuesday began a 5-day Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training for 76 female farmers and project management training for female entrepreneurs selected from small scale businesses across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The Director General of NCWD, Mrs Mary Ekpere-Eta, who declared the training […]

Centre trains 76 female entrepreneurs in ICT

The DG, National Centre for Women Development, Mrs Mary Ekpere-Eta at the opening of a 5-day ICT training for female farmers and Entrepreneur in Abuja.

The National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) on Tuesday began a 5-day Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training for 76 female farmers and project management training for female entrepreneurs selected from small scale businesses across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

The Director General of NCWD, Mrs Mary Ekpere-Eta, who declared the training open said, the programme is designed to expose women to various ICT to help female farmers and entrepreneurs become more productive.

“It is important to know that ICT, vocational and entrepreneurial skill development are imperative in enhancing the economic status of women,” Ekpere-Eta said.

She said ICT can also impact agricultural practices by providing farmers agricultural facilities such as, mobile phones, internet and emails for the purpose of getting information on seeds, markets, price and key agricultural functions such as digitalisation of farm management and records.

She also said they will be given stipend for their transportation and a brand new laptop to help them in their businesses.

The head, ICT of the centre, Dr Lawrence Babaola, said it is common knowledge that “ICT is transforming the world and we must embrace it to tap into the opportunities provided by it.”

One of the participants, Mariatu Dina from Edo State who spoke on behalf of the participants, said they are all ready to benefit from the wealth of experience of the instructors, adding that they would not disappoint the country and the centre that have deem it fit to select them out of many.