Challenges facing the girl-child

However, the presence of women in any activity or occasion stimulates happiness in the male gender. Their presence alone often boosts the ego of men and encourages them to perform better in order to be admired, praised and loved by the women.At the primary school level both boys and girls have almost equal population in […]

Challenges facing the girl-child
Challenges facing the girl-child

However, the presence of women in any activity or occasion stimulates happiness in the male gender. Their presence alone often boosts the ego of men and encourages them to perform better in order to be admired, praised and loved by the women.
At the primary school level both boys and girls have almost equal population in school. Many parents at this time care for them equally. Both sexes play together and even go about together but when differences begin to appear, boys and girls begin to drift apart.
Boys begin to walk and play with boys while girls walk and play with girls. Culture now comes in by showing   both sexes which directions to follow as they physically begin to admire each other as male and female.
This gender limitation against women further moves to senior secondary school, at the point of choosing between science, social science and arts. Most times 65% of science students are boys while social sciences and arts have high percentages of girls.
Some parents even discourage their daughters from studying sciences and force them into reading arts and social sciences because they regard them as the weaker sex in the society. This deprives them of being who they actually want to be in life.
The happiness that accompanies the birth of a child is usually more for a boy in comparison to that of a girl. There is also the belief that young girls are less useful than boys in carrying on the name of the family. In the words of Lenin, the first President of the Soviet Union, “there is no real freedom, nor can there be so long as women are handicapped by men’s legal privileges.”
Sociologists, agree that man can learn and adapt to new ideas and techniques from his fellow being or from another culture, that is why there should be equal opportunities for both gender.
The world definitely needs the contribution of both men and women, for in both of them lies such great treasure with the ability to develop the earth and all that is in it.
The very fact of developing a personality is by educating both genders since both of them are endowed with the same ability as human beings and can use same for development. The woman has the ability to help in such development, if she is more appreciated and acknowledged as an equal in the society.

Malum, wrote from millionaire Quarters, Jos.