In the first of the series ‘Change Begins With…’ two weeks ago, we called on President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) and all of us to ‘learn’ good conduct from the reservoir of positive character, best of mankind, the Prophet of Islam Muhammad, upon whom and his family and companions be peace. We argued, nay, stated, that […]


In the first of the series ‘Change Begins With…’ two weeks ago, we called on President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) and all of us to ‘learn’ good conduct from the reservoir of positive character, best of mankind, the Prophet of Islam Muhammad, upon whom and his family and companions be peace. We argued, nay, stated, that any attempt at making citizens imbibe good conduct should start by understudying the man whom God Himself described as of ‘High Moral Conduct’.
Last week, in the second of the series, we tried to ‘understand’ PMB and where he is coming from (and going to) in his quest for a better citizenry in this country. We discussed, and argued, that PMB stands tall in this quest for a New Nigerian Personality; a Nigeria where people look to their country first, and not to their tribe and tongue and religion. PMB’s ‘War Against Indiscipline’ (WAI) was a serious attempt at this quest, even though at that time he had the military might to do as he wanted.
This week, in sha Allah, in view of the tumultuous events that have seized this country by the jugular, we shall again resort to higher authority – Shaikh Usumanu Danfodio and his brother Mallam Abdullahi and his son Sultan Bello – the founding fathers of the Sokoto Caliphate. In 2013, and again last year, we discussed on this page the take on Leadership by our these leaders in the book “PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP” which was edited by Dr. Hamid Bobboyi (now Chief Executive of UBEC, Universal Basic Education Commission) and published by His Eminence the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar.
I do not know if President Buhari has got a copy of the book and, if he has, whether he has read it. Whatever the situation is, it will do the President, and us, a lot of good if he should read it over and over and direct his appointees to read it, digest it, imbibe it, and ultimately ‘emulate’ these leading scholars whose call to action, like ‘Change Begins…’, transcends time, religion and geography. It is very important to remember that the writings we shall quote were penned in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
The scholars’ immediate vicinity was Hausaland, but what they said and wrote could well resonate all over Africa, even today. Perhaps that is why many readers showed great interest in acquiring the book, by any means necessary. If someone knows that the President would need this book, His Eminence the Sultan, or Dr. Bobboi, are just phone calls away.
So, in view of the First Utterances on BBC Hausa a few days ago, let us hear what these Sokoto scholars say about corruption in Government House, or the Presidential Villa:
“The leader must be resolute by being on his guard against the employees and [the house] servants. For their own advantage, they will deceive the leader, make injustice acceptable to him and thereby throw him into the fire, in order to attain their own objectives. You have no worse enemy than a person who is aiming at your destruction…Wherever there is money, they offer their services and prostrate…”
There is the rumour which, if true, should be very good news for all Nigerians. The grapevine has it that a certain First Nephew has seen the inside of the EFCC lock-rooms for a matter of months for influence peddling, and many other First Relatives are frustrated and angry (and are spoiling for a First Fight) at the turn of events at the First House. If so, very good! But to make Nigerians happier, the matter of First Uncle and First Friend must be cleaned up to make the stables smell nice.
We also understand that PACAC, the Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption led by Professor Itse Sagay, is advising government on ‘Plea Bargain’ towards confiscation of stolen assets. Since this government, and this Columnist and all the readers, believe that ‘Stealing is Corruption’, let us hear what the scholars say:
“The leader should be to his employees like a shepherd among wild lions; they look after his people for him and he looks after them. All corruption comes from evil employees. The leader should investigate the case of any person who is strongly suspected…he (the leader) shall investigate the allegation; if it is true, he shall punish the accused and stamp out the corruption…”
The scholars further remind us what Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) also wrote to the head of his employees, [Chief of Staff] Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, saying:
“The happiest leader is he who subjects are happy with him, and the most unfortunate of rulers is he whose subjects are miserable under him. So beware of injustice. For your workers are imitating you. Then if you commit injustice, you would be like an animal in a green pasture, which eats so much that it becomes fat. Its fatness then becomes the cause for its destruction, since it is slaughtered and eaten because of it.”
Fat cow indeed! Perhaps, among the declaration requirements for new occupants of office should be ‘weight on assumption’ and on exit another demand for “weight on departure”. Even if not literally, ‘weight’ in gold and dollars and Naira and houses and cars must be seen to be really weighed. (PMB could win that – anyone who remembers him on May 29, 2015 know that the President has lost so much weight; some say too much!)
Then going further, on what we call ‘gaisuwa’, or ‘alheri’, or ‘albarkar ofis’ (all Hausa names for bribery), the scholars say:
“Among these illusions is that some people consider bribe as meaning ‘gift’. This is also false and an illusion according to consensus. For a ‘gift’ is (defined to be) something that is offered with the object of promoting (mutual) love; while a bribe is a thing that is offered in order to nullify a genuine right (of other) or to procure a thing that is illegal.”
What they say here is a direct rendition of the Prophetic warnings against corruption. In several places, Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, had said as such:
“Gifts offered to public servants are ill-gotten gains (ghulul).” (Reported by Abu Humaid As-Sa’idi, may Allah be pleased with him); “When we appoint someone to a (public) post and provide him with an allowance, anything he takes beyond that is an ill-gotten gain.” (Narrated by Buraidah ibn Al-Husaib, may Allah be pleased with him); “Some men abuse Allah’s Property (that is, public money and funds). They will go to Hell on the Day of Resurrection.” (Reported by Khaulah bint Amir, may Allah be pleased with her.)
And someone asks, what if the “Loot” is legitimately “budgeted for and allocated, like in the National Assembly Largesse, starting from wardROBe to other ROBberies including Padding and Running Costs (which they run away with); or the Home-Banking and Forex-Dealing Justices: The scholars remind us of what Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to do to his officials:
“Malik related that Umar used to confiscate half of the [official’s] possessions when it became apparent that, after being appointed as officials, they had wealth which they were not previously known to possess. That is due to the fact that, even though what an official acquires without being bribed is lawful, nevertheless he is not justified in taking it, because he is in a powerful position, by virtue of being an official, and can gain lawfully what others cannot. So his surplus wealth has to be deposited in the State Treasury.”
So there, Excellency, Distinguished, Honourable, Lordship! Return our surplus! You appropriated it because you are in a position of power, and we are not! Aye! Court!!!

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