Last week, we said on this page that to begin any journey towards good conduct and reformation of character, we must start with laying the foundation of sublime behaviour with the one who epitomises it totally – Prophet of Islam Muhammad, upon whom and his family and companions be peace. And, alhamdu lilLah, that has […]


Last week, we said on this page that to begin any journey towards good conduct and reformation of character, we must start with laying the foundation of sublime behaviour with the one who epitomises it totally – Prophet of Islam Muhammad, upon whom and his family and companions be peace. And, alhamdu lilLah, that has been done. And may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Related to this, of course, is the suggestion that we should look at religion, whichever religion, for lessons to learn.
The second in our series of ‘Change Begins With…’ should naturally be about understanding the efforts President Muhammadu Buhari on this matter – it was he who launched this new Change Campaign which is a possible reincarnation of his own ‘War Against Indiscipline’ (WAI) of 1984-1985. WAI, if we recall, was followed by other attempts such as Babangida’s ‘MAMSER’, Abacha’s ‘WAIC’ (interestingly ‘War Against Indiscipline and CORRUPTION’), Obasanjo’s ‘Heart of Africa’ and ‘Giant of Africa’, and lately ‘Good People Great Nation!’ etc. In whatever form, Nigeria needs attitudinal change.
So this week, our argument is an loud appeal to all of us, the led, the citizens, to understand what this man PMB is doing to make this country a better one. Yes, there are complaints; yes, there are mistakes; yes, there are what others may term ‘impunity’ and ‘lawlessness’; but we also understand that NO correction happens without difficulties or, as a saying goes, no gain without pain. Therefore, on your behalf, O Readers, let us say ‘Understanding PMB’ is a major Change that this polity needs to do!

THE ARREST OF JUSTICES – We all must understand this matter (arrest of those justices) from a purely nationalistic perspective. We understand the concerns of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA); we understand the concerns of SERAP and other ‘human rights organisations’. But we understand MORE the actions of PMB and the Department of State Services (DSS). Someone must do it, even if the procedure was – as many have said – crude and rough. Italy’s government – and it has opposition – always arrests allegedly corrupt judges, and even the opposition laud it! Let these arrests continue! We understand it; because we understand PMB!
Several times in the past, on this very page, we have discussed this vexatious matter of the Nigerian situation. We had argued that there is no phenomenon that starts and reaches such unprecedented heights overnight. The issue of indiscipline in Nigeria (which includes corruption and crime) did not start today or yesterday, but has been the result of decades of build-ups made possible by a combination of many factors. Our polity has been characterised by ‘monied’ politics, petty tribal rivalries, political thuggery and gangsterism and godlessness in governance and in the management of people and their resources.
This is a situation where the rule of law does not matter. So much so that, to quote the living sage Danmasani of Kano, Alhaji (Dr.) Yusuf Maitama Sule, in his oft-repeated take on the Nigerian malaise: “There is meaninglessness in philosophy, insecurity in polity, chaos in politics, corruption in economy, immorality in society, frustration in art and lack of creativity in literature. There has ensued a free-for-all which in turn has bred and nurtured in us, as a polity, the syndrome of everyone for himself but God for us all.” The Danmasani added: “In Nigerian politics it is ka ci ba ka ci ba; ba ka ci ba ka ci!” (The highest bidder wins the election). And who determines who wins? CORRUPT JUSTICES!
So it is the bye-products and consequences of these build-ups of corruption and gross indiscipline, many of them avoidable, that we are witnessing today.

THE 21 CHIBOK GIRLS – We welcome our children back. There’s a lot of ‘toing and froing’ about whether it is a swap or a plain ‘release’. Whatever it is, it is highly welcome and indeed a waft of fresh air. If it was a swap, we hope that the Nigerian authorities have cut off the hands of the militants being swapped for the girls (as our girls have also not been released ‘whole’, if you follow this drift). Cutting their hands would ensure they never carry guns against us again. We congratulate ourselves and the parents of the girls for this turn of events. Whatever it takes to get all the girls home, we must do! Only that remember NEVER to return the militants ‘whole’ unless the girls are ‘whole’, too. Whatever procedure, however the negotiation, we shall understand, for we understand PMB.
We continue to argue that indiscipline – including corruption and other criminal behaviour – cannot be allowed to continue on the account of its enormity. Our people need massive reorienting to be better and responsible citizens. The PMB Government, and essentially PMB who is seen as disciplined, must therefore aim to inculcate discipline among the citizenry. But this discipline should be based on conviction, not based on fear – for a state of discipline based on fear is temporary, and whenever the source of fear disappears, anarchy returns.
It would do well for formulators of ‘Change…to look towards Islam and borrow some eternal lessons. For example, is it by accident that, among all countries of the world, Muslim countries report the least incidences of violent crime? No. It is because, however implemented by the individual countries, Islam pays the most careful attention to the matter of humanity, and provides a complete legal system taking into consideration the changing circumstances of society as well as the constancy and permanence of human nature.
The law in Muslim countries, however fragile it may be, combines stability, flexibility and firmness, and its ultimate objective is to secure the welfare of humanity in this world and the next by establishing a righteous society. The law seeks to preserve religion; to preserve life; to preserve property; to preserve reason; and to preserve lineage.
If vicious animals can be studied by Man and be transformed into pets and friends in homes and zoos, what more of man, whose God-given innate behaviour should be easier to be influenced than that of animals. Man’s inclination towards the commission of criminal activities can only be reversed through developing his capacities by way of imparting in him functional education and constant engagement on issues that affect him through constant reminders, admonitions and the inculcation of moral values.
Nigeria must rise above the chains holding it down. And this could only be achieved by a massive reorientation of all of us. We believe, and understand, that the difference between the developing countries and the developed ones is not in the age of the country or the availability of natural resources. And race – being white or black or yellow – is also not a factor. Scholars have shown that there is no significant intellectual difference between the races, and the Nigerian diaspora attests to that by becoming the productive power in many Western countries. It is the attitude! So greatness is possible, if we understand PMB!

THE AISHA BUHARI OUTBURST – Mrs. Buhari knows better than anyone where the shoe pinches. Let her speak her mind. And may God give her husband the fortitude to bear the irreparable expo! We understand Aisha because we understand PMB!

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