Change your mind, change your life

The thoughts which go through your mind are responsible for the actions you take and decisions you make. You could say they are responsible for the occurrences in your life, because your predominant thoughts influence your behaviour and attitude and control your actions and reactions. As your thoughts are, so is your life. You have […]

Change your mind, change your life
Change your mind, change your life

The thoughts which go through your mind are responsible for the actions you take and decisions you make. You could say they are responsible for the occurrences in your life, because your predominant thoughts influence your behaviour and attitude and control your actions and reactions. As your thoughts are, so is your life.

You have to be careful of what you think. Thoughts are like a video cassette that is played in the VCR of the mind. What you play is what you see and experience. What you think is what you live. To make changes in your life it is necessary to eject the old video cassette, and insert a new one that you like.

The mind takes the form of anything it ponders. If you imagine or think of an item your mind automatically shapes itself into the form of that object. When your thoughts change your mind follows suit, and changes as well. Many modifications continually arise in the mind. Your thoughts rapidly change. Your mind also changes its shape rapidly. At any point in time, the mind is continually creating hundreds of these thought-forms and continually dispersing them again. It never holds on steadily to one thought-form for long.

We all have an effect, in one form or another, on the people we meet and this often occurs instinctively and on a subconscious level, through our thoughts, feelings and body language. People are sensitive to the aura about us and react to it just as we also sense the aura about them and react to it.

Who would not want to be surrounded by people who exude positivity in their thoughts and character?

We are, generally, more disposed to render help if someone is positive, especially in today’s world of exclamations of ‘it is not my portion’ and ‘I reject…’ Nowadays people do not want to associate with negativity.

Based on everyday experiences and methods that have worked for them, respondents have aired their views and offered advice.

According to Remez Sasson, author of ‘Mind Power – The Power of Thoughts’, negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

He says, “In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think”.

Gabriel Achonu suggests that we channel our minds and thoughts to aim for and expect positive results. “The old farmer analogy works for me when I discuss my intentions and expectations and how I’ve come to understand it. A farmer spends many hours, days, weeks, months, and years to perfect and harvest crops which will eventually produce a profit. If we apply this principle to our lives, we will understand that time will pass before we begin to achieve tangible results.

“However, we know that there will be produce for future distribution and potential profit. One who strives for success will adopt similar habits that the farmer has. Over time I have realized the benefits of ridding myself and uprooting negative obstacles in my thoughts and aspirations and replacing them with seeds of positive intent. The results may take time to come but it is extremely important to understand that positive input will create positive results. Expect that good things will come your way. The farmer doesn’t hassle himself. He is assured and at peace with himself because he knows that he will have a bountiful harvest because he had a solid plan and envisioned years in advance. Set positive intentions now and it will grow and unfold for you in the future.”

After all said and done, you must realise that your today is the bedrock of your tomorrow. What you are doing at this moment will determine where you will be in the future. Therefore, focus on your today and your actions. Do not live in oblivion of your environment or drift off into “outer space” or shift to things that are counter-productive.

It is very possible for you to shape your success and shift your strategy if what you are doing is not turning out as expected. If your efforts have been successful focus more on them and your results will be twice beyond your expectations. All of these border on how you decide to organize your mind and your thoughts to change your life for the better.