Charlie Hebdo: Time to show Islamic etiquette

They said if government fails to mete out punishment on an offender such as one who abuses the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Muslims are left with patience and good manners to deal with the situation. This is a time to use etiquette as taught to us by the Prophet (pbuh). We shouldn’t behave the very way the […]

Charlie Hebdo: Time to show Islamic etiquette
Charlie Hebdo: Time to show Islamic etiquette

They said if government fails to mete out punishment on an offender such as one who abuses the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Muslims are left with patience and good manners to deal with the situation.
 This is a time to use etiquette as taught to us by the Prophet (pbuh). We shouldn’t behave the very way the wretched enemies of our religion behave; we shouldn’t at any time take law into our own hands. The Prophet (pbuh) never taught us to take law into our own hands, the scholars said in their verdicts on the Charlie Hebdo killing.
Shaykh Abdullah Fawzan, one of the senior scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, said it is only the government who can carry out capital punishment, not individual Muslims. The shaykh, in his website, said Prophet was abused during his life time but he bore it with patience and he thought his companions to do same.
He said: “My brothers! Insulting the Prophet (pbuh) is not a new phenomenon. They insulted him to his face, calling him ‘a magician’, ‘a liar’, ‘a soothsayer’, ‘a mere poet’ to the end of their degrees of insults.
However, the Prophet (pbuh) remained patient with their insults and he didn’t hasten to seek revenge. Allah ordered him to remain patient:
“And be patient (O Muhammad ) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way.” -Al-Muzzamil 72:10.
He heard their insults and was effected by them but he remained patient, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, acting upon the Command of Allah, [the Glorified and the Exalted]:
“Indeed, We know that your breast is straitened at what they say. So glorify the praises of your Lord and be of those who prostrate themselves (to Him). And worship your Lord until there comes unto you the certainty (i.e. death).” – al-Hijr 15: 97-99.
So he remained patient and commanded his Companions [may Allaah be Pleased with them all] to likewise remain patient and not to react to any one of these insults. This was their plight when they were living in Makkah, purely because they were weak and outnumbered, and had they reacted then the Mushriks of Quraysh would have overcome them and al-Islam would have ended in Makkah (without it spreading).”
But as we condemn the killing, so we must equally condemn the despicable cartoon. The pictures that are shown around the world of the Prophet (pbuh) are a result of very low intellect (of the wretched authors and those reproducing them).
But this is a time, as said by Shaykh Fawzaan,  to use etiquette as taught to us by the Prophet (pbuh). We shouldn’t behave the very way the wretched enemies of our religion behave; we shouldn’t at any time take law into our own hands. The Prophet (pbuh) never taught us to take law into our own hands.
The cartoons the wretched Charlie Hebdo drew to depict Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only showed how small their wretched brains were. Why did we say this? This is why:
Baraa bin Aazib (RA) relates that:
“Rasullullah (pbuh) was a man of a medium build, (slightly tall); he had broad shoulders (from which we may gather that he had a wide chest); he had dense hair which reached his ear-lobes; he wore a red striped lungi (a cloth worn around the legs) and shawl. I never saw anybody or anything more handsome than him”. Shamail Tirmidhi.
Our Prophet (pbuh) was man of smart intellect , with love and compassion for all mankind. His teachings, ways and methods have touched people around the world. He was a man of distinction, honesty and integrity and he loved his ummah.
This man taught us that none deserves to be worshiped except Allah alone and that we shouldn’t associate partners with Him in His worship.
This man taught us how to care for our parents, our wives and children.
This man taught us to never engage in adultery and fornication.
This man taught us, via the Qur’an, that drinking alcohol is forbidden as alcohol can cause the mind to become corrupt and out of control, leading to more evils.
This man taught us to help our neighbour no matter what their race and their religion are.
This man taught us how to reach out to the poor and needy by giving zakat from our wealth, an obligation on every rich Muslim throughout the world. Just imagine, if all the rich give just 2.5% a year, how famine could be resolved.
This man taught us that the Qur’an warns about killing and suicide, the outcome being of hell (unless Allah forgives the perpetrator).
 This man taught us to keep clean and pure (in our dealings with people) at all times.
This man taught us to show no pride.
This man taught us to stand up for justice.
This man taught us sit with the poor and needy.
 This man told us to help others and think about others.
This man taught us about being humble.
This man taught us to lower our gaze….
The list is endless.
Again, the cartoons are indication of their very low intellect and how they want us to react. More than ever before, let’s show our real intellect in dealing with these type of people and show more unity than ever before, spell out beautiful hadiths  that the Prophet (pbuh) taught us, and let the non-Muslims who  want to know more about this man, to be shown the amazing beautiful character of the Prophet (pbuh), such that they will think:
“How can such a man with such values and teachings ever promote terrorism and hatred?”