Checklist for a memorable Eid celebration

We’re in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, and Eid is around the corner. By this time next week, God willing, we would have celebrated it, and would still be in celebration mood. May Allah accept our acts of worship and prayers, amen.  Yes, Eid is upon us, and I am sure […]

Checklist for a memorable Eid celebration

We’re in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, and Eid is around the corner. By this time next week, God willing, we would have celebrated it, and would still be in celebration mood. May Allah accept our acts of worship and prayers, amen. 

Yes, Eid is upon us, and I am sure a lot of people are starting to fret about tailors’ disappointments, funds to buy grains for Zakat, plans for Eid day, etc. You don’t need to worry, as we have at least six to seven more days before the D-day. Below is a checklist of important things for a most memorable Eid.  

1. Zakkat: First and foremost, have you gotten grains to be distributed to the less privileged? If you haven’t, then you still have time to do so as this is a very important aspect of this month. 

2. Clean the house: This is a must for everyone celebrating Eid. There is nothing more satisfying and fulfilling than coming back to a well-scented, clean and relaxing home after the Eid prayers. No one wants to come back home and start cleaning; the only work that will be done that day will be kitchen-related and fun-oriented. Make your home appealing to your guests by revamping your living room and generally cleaning the whole house. You can add glamour by decorating the home with balloons, lights, banners and glitter. Spice it up further by playing Islamic songs! 

3. Make Eid clothes early: Many make the mistake of commissioning tailors a week to Sallah. I am guilty of that sometimes. But we need to learn to shop and visit our tailor early to enable them have ample time to finish early. Remember, we aren’t the only one giving these tailors clothes for the festive period. 

4. Get the kids to make cards: Involving the children in the celebration can be fun. Get them to make cards out of cardboard paper, paint them and address them to loved ones.  It will be fun for them to personally make something special for the Eid celebration. You can also get them to make Eid invitation cards for friends, neighbours and even family. While sending the invitations out, or getting them delivered to neighbours, they can include dates or a few apples. Remember to tell them to present it with a smile. 

5. Get your henna done: This is an important aspect for women but can be optional for some. Who doesn’t like to get their henna done and look good on that day? It’s a day on which we need to look our best. Boys are not left out in trying to look nice on Sallah day. They need to visit the salon for a haircut, wear new clothes, and also smell nice. Don’t forget pedicure and manicure; just make sure you get the complete personality package. 

6. Give charity, give gifts: Ramadan will end on a good note when you donate and help put a smile on someone’s face. Also, many have this tradition for gifting their wives something special during the celebration. The best you can do for your woman is to appreciate her. Children also aren’t left out, as parents should give them gifts too. So, go on and appreciate your wives and children. 

7. Eid party: An Eid party isn’t a bad idea at all; you can invite friends, colleagues, neighbours to come celebrate with you. Another good idea will be to celebrate with the less-privileged, orphans, the sick and even IDPs. If you get invited to one, please do acknowledge the invitation and try to show up with small chops or drinks as a way or appreciating the invitation and contributing. 

8. Double-check: As Eid day closes in, review your schedule and remember to spend the day with remembrance of its religious importance. The most important thing to remember is that you should try to relax and enjoy this day. 

This will be the last segment of Ramadan Special for this year, and I must say it was fun doing this every week during the holy month. Let’s remember to stick to the positive things we adhered to this month, and do away with the negative ones permanently. May Allah accept our Ibadah, ameen.