Cheers to the new DGs of NOA, FRCN

The appointment of Dr. Garba Abari and Malam Mansur Liman as Directors-General of National Orientation Agency (NOA) and Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) respectively was based on merit and therefore, well deserved. That of NOA has come at a time when the integrity of the agency was tarnished by the last administration especially under […]

Cheers to the new DGs of NOA, FRCN
Cheers to the new DGs of NOA, FRCN

The appointment of Dr. Garba Abari and Malam Mansur Liman as Directors-General of National Orientation Agency (NOA) and Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) respectively was based on merit and therefore, well deserved. That of NOA has come at a time when the integrity of the agency was tarnished by the last administration especially under Mike Omeri who misled Nigerians on the fight against Boko Haram.
Now it is not going to be an easy job restoring the lost glory of NOA. There is need to inspire its staff, recruit highly talented and creative young and vibrant Nigerians that can make it more functional. All those deadwoods that are warming seats should be relieved of their duties for NOA to function well. I hope the new leadership under Dr Abari should hit the ground running and reawaken agency. Mansur Liman the New boss of FRCN should also show us that he is going to put his wealth of experience into practice. Radio is still the most powerful means of mobilization in northern Nigeria.
We hope Mansur Liman will reinvigorate the Radio Nigeria though his stewardship at the BBC Hausa Service leaves a lot to be desired.
There is a trend today whereby radio stations are commercializing most of their programmes in the name of revenue generation. This type of policy has its adverse effects. Now many NGOs that are not making any profit but their role is imperative under a democratic system cannot air their programmes on state owned radio stations. But international radio stations like BBC, VOA and  RFI do not even make commercial advertisement .The paradox here is that Nigerians have culture of listening radio more than any society in the world but the government is trying hard to erode this culture through neglecting radio stations and commercializing them like here in Katsina state. I agree that political programmes should be charged but all activities of CSOs and NGOs that are targeting at public enlightenment should be aired free.

Bishir Dauda, Sabuwar Unguwa, Katsina