Chewing Gum etiquette

Chewing gum is a great way to keep your mouth free from bacteria and to freshen up your breath between brushings.  By following the below tips for chewing gum, you will keep classy and winter fresh! States differ over Buhari’s grazing routes directive After long silence, South East leaders condemn secessionist threats Chewing gum is […]

Chewing Gum etiquette

Chewing gum is a great way to keep your mouth free from bacteria and to freshen up your breath between brushings.  By following the below tips for chewing gum, you will keep classy and winter fresh!

  • Chewing gum is like chewing food – do not do it with your mouth open. This will help you avoid looking like a grazing cow.
  • Following rule #1 in chewing gum etiquette should help you with a common complaint of those who chew gum: do not “smack” your gum loudly. It drives everyone around you nuts.  Even if they will never say anything.
  • When eating or drinking, discard of your gum and get a new piece afterwards. Do not affix your gum to your plate or cup to “save for later”.
  • While in public, do not blow bubbles with your gum.
  • Chewing gum used to be considered rude, but, it is now very common place. Having said that, avoid chewing gum during a job interview, while singing, when dancing (it might accidentally fly out of your mouth as you twirl around!), Any instance where you will be in front of people (you’re part of a bridal party, you are giving a presentation, etc.)
  • Chewing gum packs asks you to “dispose of properly” for a reason. All of those dark gray spots on the sidewalk used to be colorful pieces of gum.  And stepping on a freshly discarded piece of gum causes havoc on your shoes.  For you school kids, do not ever reach under your seat – generations that have come before you have placed their spit-soaked gum under there for years.  The proper way to dispose of your gum is to wrap it in a piece of paper (the original gum wrapper is perfect for this) and to throw it in a trash can. Or, you can swallow it in an emergency, but the health effects of that are debated.  I’m pretty sure it does not stay in your stomach for seven years, like the old wives’ tale states!
