Chilean miners’ rescue and the Nigerian leadership

Equally, the President of Bolivia had to travel down to Chile to observe the rescue of the only non Chilean among the trapped miners.I watched the rescue operation live on CNN and was so captivated by the zeal and comportment that President Sebastine was showing to each miner’s rescue through the capsule fabricated by a […]

Chilean miners’ rescue and the Nigerian leadership
Chilean miners’ rescue and the Nigerian leadership

Equally, the President of Bolivia had to travel down to Chile to observe the rescue of the only non Chilean among the trapped miners.
I watched the rescue operation live on CNN and was so captivated by the zeal and comportment that President Sebastine was showing to each miner’s rescue through the capsule fabricated by a reputable company in the United States that has done a similar thing.
I was amazed and thrilled by this show of love and affection by a president to his people who had the misfortune of being trapped while eking out a living as miners. The President of Chile by this action that he undertook to see that the miners were brought out from the enclave successfully has raised his popularity among Chileans.
In fact, the first lady of the country was by the side of her husband showing love and affection to the wives of the trapped miners. This is a clear indication of a leadership that is concerned with the plight of the people irrespective of the status of the miners.
Since the very day of knowing that the miners were alive beneath the surface of the earth, the President of Chile deployed all the necessary machinery to see that the miners were rescued successfully.
The essence of leadership is to provide succor to the people and to stand by the people at a period like what happened in Chile. The traits expected of a leader is like the one the President of Chile exhibited by coming to the rescue of his people.
The President stood his ground to save the lives of the miners because they are his people and this was what he promised them when he was vying for the seat and campaigning for their votes.
The leadership qualities exhibited by President Sebastine Pinera is a challenge to the Nigerian leadership class.
The Nigerian leadership should borrow a leaf from the actions of the President of Chile on what he has done to rescue his people. This clearly is what is expected from a leader who canvassed for people to give him their votes.
Usman Santuraki,  a public affairs commentator wrote in from 321, Jambutu, [email protected]