Cholesterol levels predictors of cardiovascular disease-Prof Atiku

A Professor of Biochemistry from Bayero University, Kano Professor Muhammad Atiku, has discovered that Serum Lipids (Cholesterol) Panels are playing an important role in protecting humans from contracting cardiovascular and other related diseases. Delivering the university 43rd professorial inaugural lecture titled “Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins: A Curse or a Blessing?”, the professor stated that “it […]

Cholesterol levels predictors of cardiovascular disease-Prof Atiku

A Professor of Biochemistry from Bayero University, Kano Professor Muhammad Atiku, has discovered that Serum Lipids (Cholesterol) Panels are playing an important role in protecting humans from contracting cardiovascular and other related diseases.

Delivering the university 43rd professorial inaugural lecture titled “Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins: A Curse or a Blessing?”, the professor stated that “it is interesting to note that Serum Lipids plays an important function in human body which is checking the risk of heart disease”.

However, he warned that high disturbances in Lipids level in the body leads to a disease condition.

“Viewed from the double-edged perspective, Lipids may either be a blessing or a course depending on its functions in normal or diseased conditions respectively,” he said.

Professor Atiku who described Serum Lipids as fat or fatty acids in human body that are nearly or totally insoluble in water, explained that high disturbances in lipids were often caused by life styles and dietary habits of the people and that the only alternative was for people to avoid any action that could lead to abnormal lipids levels.

He equally revealed that research had further shown that Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins patterns vary according to geographical, racial, age and sex differences. In particular, he said community which consumed groundnut oil had the tendency of having people with high Serum Lipids as against areas where there was no consumption of fat-rich oils as groundnut.

He advised that as a way of maintaining normal lipids, people should be encouraged to partake in regular physical activity, reduce stress levels, decrease or total abstinence from alcoholism, smoking and consumption of fat-rich foods.

Earlier, the Vice Chancellor of Bayero University, Professor Muhammad Yahuza Bello who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics) Professor Adamu Idris Tanko commended the secretariat of the inaugural lecture committee for living up to expectation of organizing a regular presentation of the lectures.

Professor Tanko said the University management always encouraged professors to present their papers so as to share their knowledge and experience with the members of the University community and the society at large.