Chrisland Schools: Broadcaster re-arraigned for sharing sex video

A 40-year-old broadcaster, Uche Igwe, alias Dark Sam, was on Tuesday arraigned before a Yaba magistrates’ court for sharing the sex video of a Chrisland Schools student. The broadcaster, who works with Metro FM, Lagos, was earlier arraigned in May, by the police on a two-count charge of cyberstalking and breach of peace, to which […]

Chrisland Schools: Broadcaster re-arraigned for sharing sex video

A 40-year-old broadcaster, Uche Igwe, alias Dark Sam, was on Tuesday arraigned before a Yaba magistrates’ court for sharing the sex video of a Chrisland Schools student.

The broadcaster, who works with Metro FM, Lagos, was earlier arraigned in May, by the police on a two-count charge of cyberstalking and breach of peace, to which he pleaded not guilty.

He was said to have committed the crime on or about April 18, 2022, through his social media handle: @uchedark, with the offence going contrary to Section 23 (2) of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency Law 2021.

The Magistrate, Adeola Adedayo, had admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N10m with three sureties in like sum.

Appearing in court on Tuesday, the Lagos State Government, through its counsel, Omolola Saliu, re-arraigned the defendant on a fresh one-count charge, which he pleaded not guilty to again.

The new charge alleged that Igwe distributed via his twitter handle on April 18, the sex video of some Chrisland students who were in Dubai for the World Schools Games.

Trial has been adjourned to September 28, 2022.