Civilian JTF: A remedy the North West needs

The success stories emanating from the Boko Haram epicentre in Nigeria’s northeastern states, particularly Borno and Yobe, must not be separated from the combination of unwavering military operations and the tactically planned Civilian Joint Task Force’s assistance (CJTF), a group that was founded in 2013 to support the Nigerian military’s operations against extremists and to […]

Civilian JTF: A remedy the North West needs

CJTF members

The success stories emanating from the Boko Haram epicentre in Nigeria’s northeastern states, particularly Borno and Yobe, must not be separated from the combination of unwavering military operations and the tactically planned Civilian Joint Task Force’s assistance (CJTF), a group that was founded in 2013 to support the Nigerian military’s operations against extremists and to defend local populations from attacks like the ones that are currently taking place in Kaduna, Niger, Sokoto, Zamfara, and Katsina.

Recent events in the country revealed that terror activities are primarily carried out by the region’s indigenes. The North West is no exception. To put an end to this brutality, the authorities in the North West should take a page out of Borno State’s book and organise a local militia to work alongside the military. Locals know their communities’ lows and highs, nooks and crannies far better than military personnel. Therefore, involving them would boost the chances of conquering non-state actors and their partners in crime.

The people of Hausaland have a history of bravery and, if given the chance, many will volunteer to work in the taskforce in order to bring respite to and rid their community of murderous bandits.

On this note, Nigerian authorities should give North West people a chance to work with the military and salvage the region. The loose group should possess basic weapons and must have female members to help with handling women and children. When this is done, I’m optimistic about having Borno-like results.

The going is now rough in the North West and the people are willing to fight back, but the constituted authorities didn’t give the nod. This region is densely populated. Every state can recruit at least 30,000  vigilantes and pay each a N20,000 incentive per month. Notwithstanding, the authorities should be very observant during the recruitment of this recommended vigilante group to avoid engaging the bandits’ Trojan-horses.

The going is tough in the North West now, and the people are eager to fight back, but the legitimate authorities haven’t given the green light. The population density in this area is high. Every state can recruit at least 30,000 vigilantes and offer each of them a monthly reward of N20,000. Nonetheless, authorities should keep a close eye on the exercise.

Gathering intelligence would be easier with the CJTF in place. The locals hired would be able to easily identify criminals and their enclaves, resulting in more successful security operations. 

Apart from increasing security, another positive aspect of the CJTF concept is that it provides people with temporary jobs that would keep them occupied and provide food for their families. 

Instead of governments and individuals paying large sums of money as ransom to bandits, the money could be utilised to pay vigilantes a monthly stipend.

Adamu Bello Mai-Bodi wrote from Azare, Bauchi State