Cleric tasks Muslims on patience, reading culture

An Islamic cleric, Prof. Taofeek Abdulazeez, has underscored the need for Muslims to embrace the habits of reading, patience, prayers, and struggle in order to  regain the greatness inherent in the past history of the ummah. Prof. Abdulazeez, who spoke on “Greatness was our past: When shall we regain it?” at a two-day National Seminar […]

Cleric tasks Muslims on patience, reading culture

An Islamic cleric, Prof. Taofeek Abdulazeez, has underscored the need for Muslims to embrace the habits of reading, patience, prayers, and struggle in order to  regain the greatness inherent in the past history of the ummah.

Prof. Abdulazeez, who spoke on “Greatness was our past: When shall we regain it?” at a two-day National Seminar organised by the Organization of Tadhamunul Muslimeen (OTM) in Abuja, said Muslims must be ready to follow the best exemplary conduct of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to achieve a peaceful society and reclaim the lost glory.

The scholar, who is the Imam of University of Abuja, said Islam achieved greatness in the past because the Muslim Ummah enjoined people to do good deeds and desist from evil acts as highlighted in the Holy Book. 

“Islam is so great that Allah says we are the best of nations created for mankind. It is not greatness due to richness but due to value, integrity and creation of peace. The prophet raised people on the platform of faith and justice. And they became the greatest community in Madina. Because of this, the Jews subjected themselves to the authority of our Prophet, especially the judicial authority,” he also said.