Cleric urges Muslims on causes, prevention against deviation

The Grand-Mufti of Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State and Chairman, Daarul-Uluumil-Islamiyyah Fi Naijiria (Duin International Academy, Abuja), Dr. Rafee’ Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, has urged Muslims to be weary of obscure issue capable of leading them astray from the correct creed of Islam.  He gave the advice recently at the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) B-ZONE Islamic Vacation […]

Cleric urges Muslims on causes, prevention against deviation
Cleric urges Muslims on causes, prevention against deviation

The Grand-Mufti of Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State and Chairman, Daarul-Uluumil-Islamiyyah Fi Naijiria (Duin International Academy, Abuja), Dr. Rafee’ Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, has urged Muslims to be weary of obscure issue capable of leading them astray from the correct creed of Islam. 

He gave the advice recently at the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) B-ZONE Islamic Vacation Course (IVC) 2021 held at IVC permanent site Ibadan-Lagos Express Way Ogunmakin, Ogun-State. 

He listed ignorance about inexcusable issues, dogmatism about inherited customs, blind imitation of non-Muslims in their religious practices, excessive praise of revered persons,

pursuit of personal desires and lusts, making intellect a judge over revelation, danger of bad scholars who manipulate religion for money or fame; and acquisition of religious knowledge from wrong sources among others as cause of deviation. 

“When people fail to comply by not freeing their intellects from superstitions, they would not be connected well with their Creator (Allah), because, there will be no goodness in them without understanding or rather realizing the right creed that which is truly the origin of what all prophets and messengers have preached,” Dr. Al-Ijebuwi who is also the Chief Imam of al-Huda Mosque, Kubwa Abuja, said. 

He, therefore, suggested holding tightly to the authentic tenets of religion; renouncing bid’at (innovations), sectionalism and extremism and being steadfast for Allah as some of the remedies and prevention from deviation and disbelief. 

“Making children learn from competent tutors with correct creed to catch them young on same, because it is easier to expose them to correct creed young than to try correcting them on wrong beliefs after growing up. 

“When Imam Malik said that: “Nothing will repair the damages done to last era of this Ummah (Muslim community), except that which repaired its first era”, he was referring to correct creed,” he said.