Community wealth-creation opportunities in Nigeria (111)

I am making a compilation of some small businesses that I would want to share here as a way of opening the eyes of our community dwellers to take advantage of the resources that they have. This latest effort is similar to the recently concluded Cooperative Business series, in which I tried to make readers […]

Community wealth-creation opportunities in Nigeria (111)
Community wealth-creation opportunities in Nigeria (111)

I am making a compilation of some small businesses that I would want to share here as a way of opening the eyes of our community dwellers to take advantage of the resources that they have. This latest effort is similar to the recently concluded Cooperative Business series, in which I tried to make readers interested in launching out without the difficulties of striking out all alone with all its dangers and risks to begin their business using the cooperative model. For these businesses suitable for our communities, I will introduce them from next week. With this series, what I am attempting to do is to stir in readers the hunger to look more closely to the opportunities within their neighbourhood and see how such can be exploited. Like I once mentioned, I wonder how someone would raise 5,000 USD in order to travel abroad with all the hazards when such an amount could have been committed to a business with the potential to make him or her achieve financial freedom in time. In this edition, I will like to look at Small Business Opportunities for Community Dwellers in Nigeria.

Being a community dweller is not the same thing as being powerless. I believe that anyone can change their lives when they decide to stop engaging in self-pity and begin to take the right steps towards their goals. Starting a micro or small business has its advantages which include smaller capital and lower overheads. But knowing how to start is not the same as having a good business idea. Some of the ideas shared below have been compiled to inspire those interested in starting a micro or small business.

Agribusiness Last week, I shared the story of the Songhai Farm and I told readers that the visionary of that project does not have a degree in Agriculture. All he had was his passion. Agriculture is one sector where there is little competition in Nigeria as it has been abandoned for old and retired pensioners to handle and yet it remains a money spinner. A banker once shared in a meeting I attended how he left his bank work to start an agribusiness which launched him into millions outright.

Buying and Selling or Trading Small business owners will do well to know what sells well and has much profit margin and start such businesses on a micro or small scale.

Childcare Centre Today, many couples are increasingly becoming very busy and no longer have time for their toddlers. You can start a childcare centre and if you do it well and in the fear of God, more businesses and opportunities will come to you.

Laundry service People need their clothes to be washed and ironed. You can strike out with the manual version of washing with your hands and ironing later before buying the now popular and cheap laundry machines to help you do the work.

Foods and snacks People will always eat no matter what income level they are in. You want a small business? Start a food business. A woman that runs a restaurant business now makes 7 digits every month selling local dishes.

Errand Business This might look funny, but my company has written two business plans for professionals who have started what they call an errand business. They run errands for busy professionals and make cool cash from it. You can even employ someone to do the field work while you coordinate the face and backend of the business.

Tutoring Do you have good knowledge about some academic subjects? You can convert this to moneymaking skills.

Repair services Can you repair or fix things, then a business is waiting for you in this area.

Small Drug Store or Pharmacy Most communities do not have adequate healthcare facilities and infrastructure. If you can be sincere and not sell fake drugs that will hurt or kill people, you will make good money enough to at least meet your needs.

Production of Organic Produce You can go into the production and packaging of fruits and vegetables and target clients in towns with your products.

Carpentry and Woodwork If you have good knowledge of carpentry and woodwork, then this is the ideal venture to pursue.

Cleaning Company Your cleaning company will always have a job to do in schools, worship places, restaurants, banks, companies and in many other places.

Hair Salon People need to do their hair at least once a month. Imagine having your salon in a location with 10,000 people, half of who are in the different sexes. It means your potential clientele are made of up of 5,000 people whichever sex category your salon is made for.

Poultry and Marketing of Fresh Eggs Free-range poultry is an opportunity for you to start your own poultry farm and this farm can enable you begin to sell fresh eggs to interested customers.

Start animal husbandry business I know a story of a woman who used her goats to support her daughter’s education. Today, the daughter is undergoing her PhD programme.

Chili Pepper, Tea or Coffee Farming These types of farming can also put you right in business.

Cloth Making Are you skilled in the making of clothes? Can you sew? Then, you already have a business.

Local jewellery If you can make jewellery such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, then you have a great business on your hands.

Bakery Can you bake bread, biscuits, prepare buns, puff puff and others? Then, you can start your own business

Small Cinema or Football Viewing Centre If you have a big TV screen and a good location where there are young people, you can start your own small cinema or football viewing centre.

Photography Do you have photography skills and a good camera? Voila, you can start your own small business!

Party Cooks and Helpers Can you cook or help out during parties, then you can also start your own business because in Nigeria, we celebrate everything and lots of food and drinks typically follow such festivities. Next week, I will begin the series on small businesses that I am compiling for community dwellers in Nigeria.