Completing a doctorate in due time

Recently, a friend asked me how I did a doctorate in three years as many other people do it in four years or even more. Truth is that several problems could occur during doctoral studies that are not within the candidate’s control, and that can lead the candidate to either not complete the degree in […]

Completing a doctorate in due time

Recently, a friend asked me how I did a doctorate in three years as many other people do it in four years or even more. Truth is that several problems could occur during doctoral studies that are not within the candidate’s control, and that can lead the candidate to either not complete the degree in due time or to even drop out of the program. So always have this at the back of your mind that you may or may not complete the degree depending on some conditions. There are people who could not get a doctorate; not because they were not smart enough or did not work hard enough. They were simply not lucky.

Before you get into the program, it is important to ask the right questions, such as that is it even worth having a doctorate? We should note that having a doctorate is not a means toward making considerable amount of money or even gaining an enviable status in the larger society. The doctorate is a degree which is essential for most researchers in the academic trade. It is also a period of training on conducting independent research. Therefore, if you want to become a university professor, or you adore research, or it is a requirement for your field of interest, then you should do a doctorate.

Thus, in many ways, the degree involves lots of writing; from proposals, reports, reviews, papers, etc. So, if writing is such an inconvenience, then a doctorate may not likely be worth your time. There are many clever people who may not be well cut out for a doctorate as to be a good academic researcher, you need more than just cleverness; you need to develop certain skills for research. Writing, communicating and presenting results using protocols of the academy are some of the essential skills that must be learned. Perseverance must also be in the toolkit of the researcher as it aids in diving into the details without necessarily getting worked up over pursuing loose threads. Therefore, because of all it entails, the doctorate should be helpful in developing oneself as an independent thinker and problem solver.

Also, before getting into the program, it is worth considering where the jobs are. In the United States, for instance, there are university professors who may not be willing to take students on doctoral study on the basis that there are few university jobs available. Yet, for the few jobs available, positions may offer limited benefits, little pay, and little prospects for long-term contracts. Because of this, it is important to be realistic, to the effect that if there are a few academic positions in your field, you must be a star to get a job. Due to intense competitions for scarce positions, it is not impossible for even talented people to prove inadequate. Nevertheless, if one is available to other possibilities such as working in the industry as opposed to the academic circles, then the future may be more promising.

But all things being equal, some of the following tips might help. Sleep is important. When I was on doctoral study, I did not have any sleep schedule. I slept when I felt I needed it and made sure to have plentiful sleep. As much as I spent a lot of time on research, I also spent a lot of time away from research. I watched movies, wrote many opinion essays in print and online media, did some domestic and foreign travels (I traveled to as far away as Melbourne, Australia!), made some new friends, engaged in some university activities with several responsibilities and experience, etc. I was also a specialist examiner for the AS/A Levels Environmental Geology examinations of the Oxford, Cambridge and Royal Society of Arts.

When I needed to work on my research, I did not resort to mediocrity; I just put in the long hours. I realized that I was better working in the tranquility of the nights, so I used the office when many others were at home. There is this saying that you do not get a doctorate by utilizing the 9-5 work hours only; you may need to work extra hours. Therefore, because I worked in the nights should not mean that I did not work also during the day. Whenever I had some challenges, I spent some time thinking of what to do first, before I think of how to do it. I took some research challenges to sleep and to the shower. Sometimes some ideas occurred to me when I slept over the challenge, other times I cracked it in the shower. I also made sure I worked smart more than I worked hard. From day one, I wrote my findings as I progressed in the program and that helped me to the extent that I did not require setting aside a period for writing up the thesis. I submitted my thesis on the day it was due for submission.

More importantly, I knew right from start that a doctorate is not easy, and it is not even intended to be easy. The program is meant to challenge the candidate considerably, and if you are not having that challenge, then perhaps something is wrong somewhere, and you have got to figure that out. With this resolve in mind, I knew very well that I could not achieve the degree at my leisure time. Three years may look like not enough time for the task ahead, but it is a lot of time if utilized well. Finally, the mindset: I was not ready to spend four years in the program; I wanted to move to the next phase of life’s challenges.