Conceding discernable prophecies of the Hour

Surely, everything with a beginning has an end. As part of Allah’s creation, this phenomenal world too is bound to end.  Prophetic literature affirms that the end of time, which is exclusively known to Allah alone, will be preceded by discernable signs; some of them ordinary and others great. When the Seal of Messenger-hood, Prophet […]

Conceding discernable prophecies of the Hour

Surely, everything with a beginning has an end. As part of Allah’s creation, this phenomenal world too is bound to end.  Prophetic literature affirms that the end of time, which is exclusively known to Allah alone, will be preceded by discernable signs; some of them ordinary and others great.

When the Seal of Messenger-hood, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, SAW) was sent to bring divine message to mankind, he said “Myself and the Hour were like this”; stretching out two of his fingers to signify the proximity of the Hour to the period of his messenger-hood. Our discourse in this piece will be limited to the ordinary signs of the Hour, which have been ordained to precede the great signs. A close and critical examination of events around the world today conveniently lends credence to the insinuation that the great signs may only be waiting to happen as the prophecies of the ordinary signs may have been fulfilled.

Among the ordinary signs of the Hour is the prophecy that chaos, conflicts, violence, anarchy, and wars shall become the experience of many countries; as a revelation to those who would heed that the Hour is nearby. Today, there’s no continent that is without a country suffering from one form of internal security crisis or the other. In Africa, for instance, country where peace and security have remained relative terms include Libya, South Sudan, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria which leads others in kidnapping, banditry, insurgency and armed robbery. In the Middle East and Asia, conflicts rule in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. In other parts of the world, there are heightened tensions between some nations such as exist between the trio of Us-Iran-Israel.

One of the prophecies of the Hour would have been fulfilled when betrayal of trust and confidence becomes the norm rather than the exception in the inter-personal relationship of people. It was reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, “When people (begin to) betray the trust and confidence reposed in them, you should be expecting the Hour.” Today, many people survive on betrayal as they give up every confidence that concerns money, property, women, agreement, children, public office, health status, security or intelligence matters. These days, the shameless manner in which betrayal manifest in people especially among public office holders is incredible; removing all the doubts of the nearness of the Hour.

While usury (called ribah in Arabic) shall know no bounds in most financial transactions engaged by individuals, adultery and fornication become as tolerable and attractive as if they were acts of devotion, it would be time for the Hour to be unveiled. It was reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, “By Allah in whose hands my soul lies, this Ummah (community) will not end until a man sleeps with a woman stripped on the street.” Street carnivals in western countries as well as the stories we read about things that happen on the coastlines of Arab countries including Dubai and Morocco suggests that this prophecy has come to pass.

One of the ordinary signs that will confirm the approach of the Hour is wanton killings and manslaughter. Human life has completely lost its sacredness. People are been killed today as if they were fouls. The current situation in Nigeria substantiates this assertion. No day in which the sun rises and sets in Nigeria that human lives are not lost in the hands of kidnappers, bandits, insurgents, armed robbers, gunmen, cultists, ritualists, murderers, or arsonists.

For the world to become a global village is also another sign of the Hour. This is to be made possible by advancements in information and communication technology. The invention of mobile telephone and allied facilities including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Skype confirms this prophecy.

When the Hour is near, there would be widespread criminality as well as hatred and enmity among family relations. Indeed, some forms of criminality in modern times were never heard of. Yet, they are carried out with impunity and in the most brazen way. While homosexuality has become a thing of pride in some societies, it is sad that incest is now as common as poverty. Talking about animosity among relations in this 21st century, the story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) and his half-brothers as told in chapter twelve of the Glorious Qur’an is rather, and comparatively, be a child’s play.

Crass materialism as manifest in excessive greed and gratuitous stinginess is also a sign of the Hour. The ‘get-rich-quick’ syndrome is a fulfilment of this prophecy. When this sign is fulfilled as witnessed today, more people would actually be prepared to get rich by all means and at all cost. And with all the wealth in the hands of the rich, they are more tightfisted than the haves-not when it comes to helping the vulnerable class of people. Today’s rich men and women complain of hard times more than the poor. That’s an obvious indication that the stage is being set for the Hour to click.

It is a sign of the Final Hour when many irresponsible persons are found in positions of leadership and authority. That is the period when there would be more people with less knowledge just as there would be few people whose mind and character demonstrate piety. During the last moments of this phenomenal world, corruption would not only be endemic but shall also be cherished over integrity. This is the period when people will audaciously be witnesses to falsehood, mostly for cheap worldly gains.

Hard times occasioned by economic meltdown, recession or other forms of fiscal downturn is a proof that the end of time is fast approaching. Imam Malik reports in Muwatta that the Prophet (SAW) said, “The Hour will not pass until a man passes by the grave of another and says ‘If only I were in his place.” Subhana-llahi! May Allah (SWT) guide us to concede these ordinary of the Hour and also lead us to put forth righteous deeds before it is late to do so, amin.