Confab: MURIC alleges Islamophobia

Director of MURIC, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, said in a statement that Pastor Bakare’s attack was unfortunate as his criticism arose from premeditation.“It is known all over the world that individual Muslims start speeches with a short Arabic phrase in which they seek Allah’s guidance in their utterances and Justice Kutigi did not do more than […]

Confab: MURIC alleges Islamophobia
Confab: MURIC alleges Islamophobia

Director of MURIC, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, said in a statement that Pastor Bakare’s attack was unfortunate as his criticism arose from premeditation.
“It is known all over the world that individual Muslims start speeches with a short Arabic phrase in which they seek Allah’s guidance in their utterances and Justice Kutigi did not do more than that. MURIC affirms clearly, unequivocally and unambiguously that the revered jurist has every right to do this. Tunde Bakare’s outburst was therefore a manifestation of pathological hatred for Muslims and their faith. His behaviour smirked of a gross lack of tolerance for the faith of others and portrays the pastor as an enforcer. Attempting to stop the chairman from using his faith to guide him is an encroachment on the latter’s Allah-given and fundamental human right.
“MURIC expects Pastor Tunde Bakare to understand that a conference of this magnitude requires, first and foremost, mutual respect, understanding and tolerance of the highest order; not suspicion, rancour and ill-feeling. Delegates need to guard their tongues and watch their language because a rancorous body language emerging from the national conference is capable of sending this country up in flames,” Akintola said.
He said the colonialists bequeathed a controversial religious setting to Nigerians which must be discussed and reviewed at the conference, stressing the status quo is chaotic and must change.
He also condemned the marginalisation of South West Muslims in the list of delegates from the region.
He said: “MURIC) is not unaware that the list of South West delegates was deliberately drawn to marginalise Muslims who form majority of the zone’s population.”