Congratulations, Professor Umaru A. Pate!

It is a great delight for me to congratulate Professor Pate on his appointment as the Vice Chancellor of Federal University, Kashere. The  popular saying among us students is that “drinking from the fountain of Professor Pate is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of current affairs”. Professor Pate is a distinguished achiever and an […]

Congratulations, Professor Umaru A. Pate!

Professor Umaru Pate

It is a great delight for me to congratulate Professor Pate on his appointment as the Vice Chancellor of Federal University, Kashere. The  popular saying among us students is that “drinking from the fountain of Professor Pate is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of current affairs”.

Professor Pate is a distinguished achiever and an accomplished scholar. He is an embodiment of pure love for humanity devoid of any hidden and selfish tendency. He embraces  all and sundry without discrimination.

Anyone who belonged and still belongs to Professor Pate’s school of thought and ideology cannot be associated with laziness, corruption, evil, wickedness or maltreatment of the down trodden, indifference to what affects the people.

It is, therefore, with utmost pleasure that I congratulate a credible scholar and a highly detribalised Nigerian whose linkages and connections traverse the Nigerian landscape. He is a great teacher, an intellectual and great scholar of sobriety and integrity and a professor whose imprints are all over the world.

There is hardly any serious Department of Mass Communication or professional organisation, in Nigeria and beyond, that does not have something to do with him. His connections have been through former students, books, external examinations or professional engagements. He is a well-respected scholar in the academia and beyond. His appointment as the Vice Chancellor of Kashere University is a loss for BUK students but a gain for students in Kashere University.

Personally, he has been exceptionally helpful to my professional advancement. I have learnt and benefited in many ways from him. Apart from helping me to expand my circle of friends, he spurred me into action. At the time I was reluctant to write, he literally forced me to do so and at the time I wanted to rest for hours, he drummed into my ears the futility of leaving my potential locked up in my brain, which significantly stimulated and sustained my desire in scholarship.

Today, my joy knows no bound as my cap of happiness is over-flowing with joy as he emerged the new Vice Chancellor of Kashere University. I salute!

Aondover Eric Msughter, Department of Mass Communication, Bayero University, Kano.