Connection between US State Department, CAR activists revealed

Recently, the United States has stepped up its activities on the African continent, in particular in the Central African Republic. However, there are allegations that the true goal of the Americans is not to establish mutually beneficial relations, but to destabilize the country in order to further seize control of resources. Thus, there was a […]

Connection between US State Department, CAR activists revealed


Recently, the United States has stepped up its activities on the African continent, in particular in the Central African Republic.

However, there are allegations that the true goal of the Americans is not to establish mutually beneficial relations, but to destabilize the country in order to further seize control of resources.

Thus, there was a lot of information in the media alleging that the United States was sending mercenaries to the CAR without the consent of the official authorities of the country, introducing its spies into UN missions, financing local armed groups that terrorize civilians.

And recently it turned out that the Americans are also allegedly organizing and sponsoring protests in this African country that undermine public order.

According to Malijet, Morgan Griffiths’ Twitter account recently posted a recording of a phone conversation that took place on April 15 between a representative of the GTSC civil society working group, Paul Crescent Beninga, and Pedro Campo-Boue, an employee of the diplomatic service of the US Department of State based in Bangui. The parties discussed a rally held in Bangui on April 12 in front of the ENERCA building, where about 100 protesters demanded constant and uninterrupted access to water and electricity.

From this conversation, it became obvious that it was the United States that sponsored this rally. Pedro Campo-Boue noted that the demonstration was successful and requested another rally, larger and with a much larger number of participants.

The GTSC speaker assured of his readiness to hold a rally with the participation of about 10,000 people, but requested $ 12 million and 15,000 bottles of water, as well as white flags. Social media users are widely discussing this news, condemning America’s predatory policy of financing mass riots in the CAR.

This information once again confirms that the United States is not aiming for an open, respectful partnership with other states. The goal of the Western hegemon is to oust all foreign partners from the CAR, as well as to destabilize the situation by all possible means, including organizing protests in order to further monopolize the country’s market and resources. The fact that the financing of mass riots in the CAR is being handled at the level of the US Embassy cannot but cause concern.

Special attention is also drawn to the fact that a recording of a telephone conversation between Paul Crescent Beninga and Pedro Campo-Boue was posted on a young Twitter account, which had previously published only reposts. Obviously, this is a fake account created to publish defamatory information. Given that the conversation was leaked by the French operator Orange, it begs the conclusion that it was the French who decided to compromise the destabilizing activities of the Americans. This indicates that Paris is preparing to fight back against Washington, which is increasingly entering the CAR, which threatens French influence.

By Bengue Patrick, Lagos