Cookery Corner

Stuffed eggplant Ingredients 2 medium eggplants 2 tbsp cooked minced meat 1tbsp chopped sparsely 1 fresh tomato [chopped] 2 tbsp breadcrumbs 1 small onion [thinly sliced] ½  cup of grated chedder cheese salt and pepper to taste Method: 1.      Cut the eggplant in half-length ways and scoop out the flesh to leave a shell, roughly […]

Cookery Corner
Cookery Corner

Stuffed eggplant
2 medium eggplants
2 tbsp cooked minced meat
1tbsp chopped sparsely
1 fresh tomato [chopped]
2 tbsp breadcrumbs
1 small onion [thinly sliced]
½  cup of grated chedder cheese salt and pepper to taste
1.      Cut the eggplant in half-length ways and scoop out the flesh to leave a shell, roughly chop the flesh
2.      Make the stuffing by combining the sparsely, minced meat, tomato, breadcrumbs, onion, salt, pepper, with the flesh of the eggplant
3.      Place the eggplant shells in a baking dish and fill each with the mixture, sprinkle the cheese on top of it and cover with a foil.
4.    Bake in the oven for 20 mins then uncover and cook for further 10 mins or until crisp and golden

Orange freshener
1cup natural yogurt
1 cup fresh orange juice
1.      Blend the yogurt and orange juice together.
2.      Pour into serving glasses.
Serve chilled

Wali contributed from Kano