Cookery: Seaside bites

 Ingredients  4 cup cake paper cases  4 slices of bread  2 eggs  ½  cup milk  2 tbsp chopped spring onion  Pinch black pepper  1 cup chopped boneless fish  Method: 1. Beat egg and milk in a container, season with pinch of salt 2. Flatten the bread with a rolling pin.  3. Then cut out a […]

Cookery: Seaside bites
Cookery: Seaside bites

 4 cup cake paper cases
 4 slices of bread
 2 eggs
 ½  cup milk
 2 tbsp chopped spring onion
 Pinch black pepper
 1 cup chopped boneless fish

1. Beat egg and milk in a container, season with pinch of salt
2. Flatten the bread with a rolling pin.
 3. Then cut out a large circle with a round cutter.
 4. Dip bread circle in egg mixture then push it down a cup cake paper case.
 5. Add the fish to the remaining egg, add onions and seasoning.
 6.  Then pour over bread cases
 7. Bake till well risen and brown
Wali contributes from Kano