Coomasie, posterity and enemies of the North

But since he called on the federal government to come out clean on the real reason behind Boko Haram and their sponsors and defend its lackluster efforts at containing the insurgency, faceless groups sponsored by supporters of this administration have been attacking his personality. The first to release the salvo was Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, who […]

Coomasie, posterity and enemies of the North
Coomasie, posterity and enemies of the North

But since he called on the federal government to come out clean on the real reason behind Boko Haram and their sponsors and defend its lackluster efforts at containing the insurgency, faceless groups sponsored by supporters of this administration have been attacking his personality.
The first to release the salvo was Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, who acted under the umbrella of the Northern Elders Council (NEC) to describe the genuine call by the Commasie-led Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) on the failure of the federal government to defend the North as the ranting of opposition parties.
Yakasai’s outburst was echoed by another faceless, visionless and unfortunate group which called itself the United North for Greater Nigeria. Unfortunately, these selfish groups prefer monetary gains to their region’s collective interest. That is quite unfortunate.
These groups always labour to itemise few achievements by the Jonathan administration, but can these achievements replace the thousands of lives and property being destroyed in the region on a daily basis? And the so-called achievements are overblown and exaggerated. They cannot stand the test of scrutiny.
Where are the water projects that this administration has provided? Where are the job opportunities? These achievements are imaginary, to say the least.  
Even if universities were established as claimed, how many young people would attend as they are being killed by the monster called Boko Haram while the government seems helpless.
Now, may these groups working against the North tell us what happened to the project to drain River Niger, which the administration of the late President Umar Yar’Adua nearly completed. Has it not been abandoned and muscled out of existence? What is the real motive behind the raging insurgency in the North-East?
Is it not on record that this administration has done enough to suffocate efforts at resuming oil exploration in the North after preliminary studies have proven the existence of oil and gas in commercial quantities in the region? This exploration would have provided infrastructural development in the North, opened vast opportunities for the teeming youth in the region and changed the nature of socio-economic politics of this country for the better.
Interestingly, the people of northern Nigeria has since identified their leaders and those whose pre-occupation is to sell the honor, dignity and even lives of their compatriots for peanuts. May God have mercy on our people and protect us from the evil machinations of these gangs.
From Muhammad Inuwa Saleh, [email protected]