Coping effectively with change

Changes are bound to happen as long as we exist. But how well we cope with such changes when they eventually come so that they do not affect us negatively is what matters. Some changes that happen are for the best while some are for the worse, but then, no matter the circumstance, there are […]

Coping effectively with change
Coping effectively with change

Changes are bound to happen as long as we exist. But how well we cope with such changes when they eventually come so that they do not affect us negatively is what matters. Some changes that happen are for the best while some are for the worse, but then, no matter the circumstance, there are effective ways to manage and cope with any eventual change in our lives.

Of course, some changes are dramatic while some are subtle. Similarly, some people cope better with changes than others. To many people, accepting the inevitability of change produces stress, physical and emotional symptoms. Most people perceive change as threatening their status quo, that is, their sense of security and need for control.

Change demands that we let go of the security blankets in our ways of doing things in order to embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth. Change can truly only be managed from within ourselves. Gandhi once said, you must be the change you wish to see in the world. Striving to develop an open mind and flexibility in the face of change is the most effective way of dealing with it. By relaxing your hold on the past, you can learn new ways. One must not let fear of surviving change cripple ones courage to move on once there is a slight adjustment to his or her live.

Alexander Graham Bell wrote: “When one door closes, another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which are open for us.” Coming to terms with change requires looking at life through new lenses, adjusting your frame of reference. In managing change effectively, what is most vital is having a right attitude with a positive outlook. This will provide the flexibility factor in the face of change.”

“Many times, I have been faced with change in different situations and I just gave up on the whole situation, I was not patient enough to think things over.

Maybe if I had been more calm and enduring, I would have been able to see better things that came through that change. I now believe for every change God allows to happen in your life, there is a purpose. It is just left for you to find the door that has been opened up,” says Biodun Jaye.

For many, when their lives take a turn, it seems like the end of the world. “There have been times when I felt that I could not carry on with life because I was finding it difficult to adjust to change. The change came so drastically and almost immediately. I was used to the good things of life and had little compassion for those who were struggling with life but things changed and I was placed in the shoes of those who had to beg to survive. Only then did I realize how insensitive and inhumane I had been in the past. I believe there was a reason for the change in my life and I am glad that it has made a positive impact on me. Change always has something in store for you, no matter what. All we need is to take a drastic look at the whole situation and you will be able to adjust almost immediately”, says Jafar Abdul.

“A life without change is one that is stagnant. I have come to realise that life is all about change. There is nothing constant in life, no matter what. Life is really a never ending spiral of change if I can borrow the words. Change in our lives only makes us stronger and wiser. Facing changes wisely rather than running away from them is the best thing you can do for yourself if you ever find yourself in such a situation” says Binta Ahmed.

To be comfortable with change, we need some fixed and unchangeable points of reference. A person feels anxious and insecure. However, with some fixed points of reference, we become more secure.  Hence, be able to face any change rationally. Accepting change as a normal, natural part of life helps you deal more effectively with it. When you think you cannot survive the present change, look back at your life and you will be surprised how many changes you have been able to overcome without paying any particular attention to them. We can survive and thrive through it with ease and comfort. Remember, the God who was there through change in the past, will be there with us through future changes.