Coping with difficult moments

The journey of man through this life is naturally characterized by excitements as well as upheavals. Moments of pleasure are more often than not short-lived, and in many instances, followed by critical moments of sorrow. Life is a transitional process during which changes in our emotional state remain constant. For every creature, Allah (SWT) has […]

Coping with difficult moments

Coping with difficult moments

The journey of man through this life is naturally characterized by excitements as well as upheavals. Moments of pleasure are more often than not short-lived, and in many instances, followed by critical moments of sorrow. Life is a transitional process during which changes in our emotional state remain constant. For every creature, Allah (SWT) has provided two opposing states. Like good and evil, man experiences happiness and sadness. No man ever lived a life without challenges. A life of perpetual delight is the preserve of eternity. When man encounters some difficulties in life, such is not for one to forsake his kith and kin or the world itself. When problems, big or small, confronts us as we struggle to meet our individual aspirations, such should be seen as necessary trials of existence without which man is unlikely to develop the mental capacity to confront the ever-increasing challenges of life.

The unending anxiety created by frightening inflation, inexplicable cost of food items, unemployment and poverty are some of the disturbing sources of hardship faced by many Nigerians. It’s really getting tougher and tougher for many Nigerians. More Nigerians get poorer than they get richer every day. The middle class has completely been wiped out. A large number of Nigerians has lost membership of the upper class and now belongs to the lower class. Many people cannot meet their basic needs and responsibilities. The gap between the upper and the lower class has widened beyond scientific theories and human expectations. Yet, there can be no season that is more trying and more unpleasant than now when most Nigerians live under constant fear and threats from dare-devil bandits and foolhardy kidnappers. This is the time to guard our faith against the devil’s mischief and keep faithful in Allah’s Omniscience.

Allah (SWT) reminds us in Qur’an 57:22 and says “No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but it is recorded in a decree before we bring it in to existence: That is truly easy for God ” As an individual, there’s need for you to counsel your mind to sincerely accept and believe in the natural rule and command of fate. You need to understand that whatever has befallen you was actually not meant to escape you, and whatever has escaped you was essentially not meant to befall you. This basic truth of destiny is the intrinsic joy of survival. Although you may be apprehensive of calamities, Allah (SWT) who knows the value of things better than you do, has good reasons for making you to have a taste of bad experiences; sometimes traumatic. Allah (SWT) states in Qur’an 2:216 “… It is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows and ye know not.”

The Prophet (SAW) affirms that it is those whom Allah loves that He (SWT) afflicts more with setbacks or failures. Man’s comfort in life lies in his belief that Allah has already pre-destined all matters. No matter what you do as a human being, you can not escape falling sick (when the destined time comes) just as Louis Pasteur (who discovered the science of Bacteria) and Sir Alexander Fleming (who discovered penicillin) could not escape death when it was time to breathe their last. Do not think you could have done anything otherwise to change the course of destiny when a misfortune befalls you. If you lack the means, for instance, to avert a river from flowing or wind from blowing; then you should admit your incapacity to delay or suppress the occurrence of any misfortune that has been designed to befall you.

As believers, let us not give room for despair. Qur’an 94:6 encourages us to remain hopeful because “there is relief after every hardship” in the same natural way that night follows the day, and eating comes after hunger. Adversities are not meant to be permanent in our lives. After tears come smiles. Let us not blame anyone for our misfortunes. Almighty Allah (SWT) has reasons, explicit and implicit, for whatever He says “Yes” and “It is”. The Qur’an asserts that Allah, the Omnipotent, is with those who patiently persevere.

Adversities occur according to the will and plans of Allah (SWT). Imam Attirmidhi relates on the authority of Ibn Abbas (RA) in the nineteenth hadith of Annawawi’s forty traditions that the Prophet (SAW) said “… know that even when a whole nation were to rally together in order to bring benefit to you in any matter, they would not benefit you except with what Allah (SWT) has written for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you in any matter, they would not be able to harm you except with that which Allah (SWT) has prescribed for you”.

Nonetheless, there’s need for more concrete efforts from governments across the three tiers in their attempt to address the critical challenges confronting Nigerians. Even when we allude to the global dimension of the current economic crisis, many countries across continents are making serious efforts to mitigate the situation. New fiscal policies should be initiated where existing ones are not yielding results. We also call on Nigerians to support leaders at all levels with prayers by appealing to that Allah to give them the necessary guidance and wisdom needed to take the country out of its present predicaments.

In any case, let us not allow moments of trial in our lives become barriers to prospective happy days of the future. Let us come to terms with everything fate brings to us. Let’s pacify our hearts to absorb all shocks that may arise from fateful events and matters. Unfortunate situations are not meant to remain with us forever. As days, weeks and months move and alternate, let us re-affirm our faith in Allah (SWT) with the hope that the future which Allah knows best would be better than the present. We must continue to ask Allah to forgive our sins and seek for His intervention. May Allah (SWT) guide and preserve our faith in the face of calamities and unpleasant moments, amin.