Corporate/Organizational Politics II

We have espoused the meaning and context of politics in organisation in our previous article on this subject.  We provided factors that bring about clans, cohorts, groups and or teams within organisation which brings about corporate politics.  It is important for each staff to realize abnitio that no matter how light, there would be an […]

Corporate/Organizational Politics II
Corporate/Organizational Politics II

We have espoused the meaning and context of politics in organisation in our previous article on this subject.  We provided factors that bring about clans, cohorts, groups and or teams within organisation which brings about corporate politics.  It is important for each staff to realize abnitio that no matter how light, there would be an element of politics in each organisation.

At some point in ones career, one will come across corporate, organizational or workplace politics. The individual’s response to this development is very key, and can determine to an extent whether his or her career will be cut short, stagnated or progress, in the organization.

Corporate Politics is dangerous and more often than not, cost organization fortunes.  As this is the second and concluding part of this sub-series, we will focus on how to manage or survive office politics.  Organisational Politics could come in various forms, styles and intensity.  Some may take the form of subversion, denial or withholding of information, nepotism etc.

Man by his nature is a political animal.  Because we are created with different minds, intellects, desires, etc, we tend to have differences in interests, understanding, styles and intellect.  When and where two or more people who are saddled with the responsibility of running a firm or even a team choose to bring in sentiments, personal, parodual, primordial and or other objectives in managing organisation, a clash of interest could occur and thus a division among staff would happen. Because these people are ‘Generals’ in their own rights with ‘troops’ under them, ‘battle lines’ and ‘daggers’ could be drawn albeit subterienially in the management of the organisation.  Supervisors and Managers alike lineup behind one of the leaders thus creating silos and divisions in the structure and management of the organisation.  Such silos and or clans may not be visible or even apparent, but a careful observer may and should notice the tension and or the abnormality in behaviours of certain people to warrant a mind being put in an inquiry position as to why such a behavior is being exhibited.  Such actions could be in the distribution and or allocation of resources, posting, career progression and or discipline issues.

As a new staff particularly when one is a fresher, care must be taken to understand the dynamics of an organisation.  One cannot afford to be indifferent but must be careful not to either be used by the players in the corporate game of politics or take side too soon as the consequences can be fatal.

In developing a mechanics for navigating office environment, one may consider the following steps viz:-

Determine the cliques or caucuses: Take your time to study the cliques (if any) in the organization. Who are the key decision maker / influencer? This is regardless of the person’s level in the hierarchy of the organization. How powerful is this clique or individual? These types of people are usually persons who influence promotions, transfers and project or procurement approvals within the organization.

Be Purposeful and strategic in interactions: Now that you have separated the “wheat from the chaff” and have determined the key influencers or decision makers, ensure you interact with them intentionally, but carefully. You want them to be comfortable enough with you to entrust you with information that would be beneficial to you, your team and the organization at large. Your focus should always be work related.

You also want them to be able to put in a good word for you, or vouch for your character, in your absence or where it matters.

Avoid engaging in rumours: When and where staff gathers to gossip, one must avoid such scenes in one’s interest. If you are unable to leave the environment where rumours are being peddled or where “backbiting” is taking place, ensure you do not contribute, as your contribution could always be misrepresented at any time. This could harm your progress in the organization.  Opinions can be misinterpreted or mispresented intentionally or otherwise.  Fair hearing in an even of being caught and disciplinary measures being considered may not be available.  Sometimes even benefit of doubts may elude the affected staff. Even where you are given the benefit of the doubt, it would be your word against other person’s words.  The outcome of such process even if you become free may be damaging and you become stigmatized for the rest of your career in the organisation.

Do not align with any clique or caucus: Avoid being perceived as part of a group, clique or caucus; rather, you should have good relations with everyone, and stay on top of your “game” at work. When you are relevant, objective and produce quality work, it will be easier to get majority of the decision makers to share and support your views on any project, or topical matter.  Attitude is everything in life.  Indeed it is said that attitude determines altitude!

Be firm over differing opinions: Where differing opinions exist, politely promote your position or goal. Do not force it on other members of the team. Avoid arguments; rather engage in meaningful conversations or debates.  Always have an aim or view to closing issue on a win-win basis. One must ensure that all discussions do not become personal.  The focus should be on doing what is right for the overall benefit of the organization. One should carefully analyse the pros and cons of any subject matter to determine the level of emphasis or importance. Sometimes, you may need to discuss the nitty-gritty of an issue with colleagues off-line, reach an amicable agreement or consensus, before recapping what was agreed (by all stakeholders) in an email for reference and documentation purposes or better still at meeting.  Avoiding rancour in an office environment should be a task that must be achieved.

Change begins with you: In addition to your quality of work speaking for itself, you should try to emit good vibes at work. Try to diffuse negative energy when and where you can by listening, learning, training, encouraging and praising your colleagues, genuinely. Where there is need for improvement, communicate same in a way that is constructive.  Avoid the pull him/her down syndrome.  Recognise colleagues that are good, better or contribute so much in a project.  Do not and never claim credit or some one’s efforts!

In conclusion, if all the above does not assist in successfully manoeuvring the politics in your office, and the environment remains toxic, it may be time for you to look for employment elsewhere, or create an organization, that you would want to work in. Indeed, one should realize that certain situations and or environments are beyond redemption.  Moreover, even if the situation can be changed, one may not be in a position to engineer or cause the change hence the necessity for a change of environment or place of work.

“Recite: In the name of thy Lord who created man from a clot. Recite: And thy Lord is the Most Generous Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran, 96:1-5) Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5: 11)