Corrupt female office holders must be jailed – Widows’ coordinator

How are widows faring under President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime?  Widows are faring well under the Muhammadu Buhari’s administration always urge them to persevere, endure, be patient and give the government whatever support it needs to succeed.   Do you think this government is carrying women or widows along in the scheme of things?  I think […]

Corrupt female office holders must be jailed – Widows’ coordinator

How are widows faring under President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime?
 Widows are faring well under the Muhammadu Buhari’s administration always urge them to persevere, endure, be patient and give the government whatever support it needs to succeed.
Do you think this government is carrying women or widows along in the scheme of things?
 I think I have spoken to the press before, during the process of cabinet formation, and I made my point clear that we need to be given more slots after the release of the first list. I pleaded with Mr. President to consider the womenfolk and give us more positions. I am glad, not quite five days after that interview, the second list was released carrying more women.
Now in that interview, I remember saying that Mr. President was not encouraged with the level of performance from the women in the past administration and that could have brought about his reluctance in bringing more women to governance. What some women looted under the previous administrations, particularly the last administration is unimaginable. That is why we are urging the president to jail these corrupt women, whether politicians or office holders. But be it as it may, I appeal to our daddy, Mr. President, to look around for more women because there are still some women of substance, who are God fearing, diligent and hardworking enough to work with him.
One of the promises of Mr. President before coming into office was of finding the Chibok girls immediately but one year after, only about two of the girls were found. Is the president living up to his promise on the Chibok girls?
 There again, I will still emphasise on the word patience. But above all, prayer is the key because God answers prayers. If our president, during his campaign, said he would get the Chibok girls back to their parents, then for God’s sake let us support him to achieve that. Rome was not built in a day. I believe if we can just exercise more patience things will happen. I however feel for the mothers of these girls who are yet to be found and I also pray that we Nigerians join hands with Mr. President, pray along and work with him by giving information that can lead to the return of these children back to their parents. I know Buhari will do it by God’s grace. And for those who are criticising him, I urge them to be reasonable because criticisms will only distract him. 
 If you see the way most of us talk about our president, the number one father of the nation, it is bad. Can you address your fathers in such a manner no matter their errors, and can you insult your father? Definitely not. If we have respect for our biological fathers then why don’t we have respect for our president, the number one father of the nation? As you address this man that is how outsiders will address him. Mr. President is a human being that has blood and not a spirit, he can make mistakes but we should always talk about our president with some respect. This man has done it before, check his past records. Again, we did not give him power but God gave it to him and if we are criticizing him in this manner, it means we are criticizing Him that gave Mr. President power. God does not make errors for all He has done, He made them perfect. So why don’t we wait, pray and where he is going wrong, we should ask God to direct him and where he is doing it right, we should say Father we thank you for guiding our president aright. With prayers, we can achieve a lot, with patience we can also achieve a lot. I am talking in this manner bearing in mind that the economy is down but that does not mean that the government of the day is doing nothing.

Our president is presently engaged in fighting corruption, are the women who you represent comfortable with the way Mr. President is waging this war?

 Believe you me, if you asked me what it is that tickles me about this administration, I will say it is the move and the drive by Buhari to remove this cancer called corruption from the Nigerian system. We have suffered so much untold hardships, so much character assassination because of this cancer called corruption and I know that it is not going to be easy for him because we are so deep into it.
I have been opportune to discuss with people on this corruption issue and to my greatest shock what they say is appalling, as if corruption should be left to continue. They forget that if corruption is allowed to continue, our children and children’s children will suffer it. So, somebody has to take a step and say enough is enough. That is what Buhari is doing. Very soon we shall begin to earn ourselves some credibility internationally and if you are to go by the record so far, I think our image is a lot better internationally in the area of corruption than before.
What is your take about those crying foul, saying that the fight against corruption is one-sided and selective?
 All those who are criticising the president are the same with the thieves who were doing things with impunity before. They have eaten so much and stolen so much and they are trying to hide under several guises. Sometimes I ask where are they taking all the money to and what do they need so much money for? Give your children a sound education and they will stand on their own, you don’t need to amass wealth and stock it up for your children. They don’t need it, what they need is sound education, a good moral up-bringing and they will keep your name.
Recently, more women have been fingered in the corruption issue, especially in the last administration. What do you think of them?

 Those who know me can attest to the fact that I am not an advocate of any evil, to a man or a woman. We are all citizens of this country; if a woman, a mother, a housewife cannot maintain an office without displaying corrupt practices, then she is not worth being a woman. I am embarrassed and ashamed because I have associated with most of these women in the past and we were quite close. 
I am not going to mention any name. I know when some of these women started going the other way. I was pissed off and disenchanted, and because I am not an advocate of all the trash I kept my distance.
Come to think of it, how can a woman, a mother, aspire to be richer than her country? What do you need all that money for?
As a housewife, trust has been imposed on you; all you need to do is to prove that you are worth being trusted. I repeat, it was because of the practices of these women in the past administration that Mr. President’s interest is not quick in engaging so many women.