Corruption is Nigeria’s main challenge

On this auspicious day of my birth, I wish to unequivocally, and profoundly express my gratitude to God for bringing me into this world over 50 years ago. Even though the journey has been daunting in the face of a myriad of challenges, the faithfulness of God and his divine guidance have kept me alive […]

Corruption is Nigeria’s main challenge

On this auspicious day of my birth, I wish to unequivocally, and profoundly express my gratitude to God for bringing me into this world over 50 years ago. Even though the journey has been daunting in the face of a myriad of challenges, the faithfulness of God and his divine guidance have kept me alive and made me weather the storm by shaping me to be the woman I am today.

I wish to also thank God for blessing me with a loving, caring and compassionate husband, whose companionship and exemplary leadership have contributed immensely to my achievements thus far in life. And to my children, I say thank you for being wonderful children and for making me proud as a mother.

To the entire Chartered Institute of Forensic Investigative Professionals of Nigeria family, I wish to profoundly appreciate your doggedness, resilience and patience in our collective pursuits to ensure that our proposed legislation is enacted as an Act of the National Assembly, through the assent of Mr President. The fight is still on and we shall not rest on our oars until our efforts are rewarded with success.

On this occasion, it is also imperative to encourage my fellow Nigerians that in spite of the challenges, which have bedevilled the country, especially, with the ever-increasing security challenges, infrastructural decay and economic hardships, occasioned by high inflation, there is still hope for this country. But for us as a nation, to have the Nigeria of our dreams, all hands must be on deck to ensure that we overcome the root cause of our problem, which is corruption and misappropriation of public funds. I make bold to state that “Corruption” has been the major challenge in this country.

Fellow Nigerians, imagine a situation whereby all funds appropriated for tackling insecurity in this country are accountably and transparently implemented, the country wouldn’t have been inundated with incessant cases of terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, armed robbery and other social vices, which are on the increase today. This situation has been further exacerbated due to the hard economic realities, we are currently confronted with. Also, imagine a situation whereby 50% of our youths are gainfully employed or engaged in profitable businesses, and also funds allocated for the provision of infrastructures in this country are effectively and efficiently utilised, there would have been road networks across the country, good health care system, good education and availability of other essential basic amenities. All these have eluded us because of endemic corruption in the country.

However, in spite of all these challenges, I wish to encourage us all that there will still be light at the end of the tunnel because Nigeria can still be placed on the path of greatness once again. This assertion is based on the fact that this country is blessed with enormous natural and human resources that even the developed economies of the world cannot boast of. All that is needed is to have the right political will in place, backed with innovative legislations, such as the Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria Bill, which was introduced by our Institute to provide the requisite trainings and capacity building, as direct response to curb corrupt practices, cybercrimes and other related fraudulent practices. This unique legislation is one among other initiatives that are part of the global paradigm shift to mitigate criminal activities due to the sophisticated way and manner they are committed in today’s world. This is what is obtainable in the developed jurisdictions and Nigeria must embrace this emerging global trend, if we must tackle corruption and all its associated challenges.

Finally, I wish to use this medium to appeal to all Nigerians to come together and speak with one voice against corruption because it is the bane of developmental strides in this country. We must also come together to urge our government to put mechanisms in place to handle the menace of corruption by encouraging initiatives that are geared towards providing complementary roles to obviate corruption in its entirety in this country. Believe you me, by the grace of God, Nigeria will be great again!

Long live the Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria, long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Mrs. Enape Victoria Ayishetu, Ph.D, FCFP, FCNA, FCTI, FCFA, CFE, CPFA, MNIM
President, Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria