Son of Tambuwal’s aide, two others charged for circulating nude video

The suspects, were earlier arraigned on charges ranging from act of gross indecency, abetment, sale of obscene book and printing

Son of Tambuwal’s aide, two others charged for circulating nude video

Sokoto Chief Magistrate Court has charged three young men for circulating nude video of a girl on social media platforms.

The suspects include one Aminu Tafida – son of the Special Adviser to Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal on Social Investment, Umar Abubakar and Mas’ud Gidado who appeared on the charge sheet, as 1st, 2nd and 3rd defendants.

However, the 4th defendant, Aliyu Shehu Kangiwa, was discharged by the court as there was no offence linked to him.

The suspects were earlier arraigned on charges ranging from an act of gross indecency, abetment, sale of obscene book and printing or engraving matter known to be defamatory, which the Prosecuting Officer, ASP Samuel Sule said were contrary to sections, 60(2), 377, 262, 48, 171, 173 and 379 of the Sokoto State Penal Code, 2019.

However, Chief Magistrate Shu’aibu Ahmad, in his ruling, said after carefully and painstakingly studied all the essential ingredients for the offences, a prima facia case was established against the 1st, 2nd and 3rd defendants and as such the court would frame new charges against them.

The new charges as read by the Chief Magistrate were abatement, Obscene or Indecent act and sales of an obscene book which were punishable under section 48,171 and 173 of the Sokoto Penal Code and triable by this court.



Magistrate Ahmad explained that the suspects saved and circulate an 18 seconds nude video of one Fatima Shehu on social media platforms such as Whatsapp and Instagram.

When the new charges were read and translated to the defendants in their native language of Hausa, they all pleaded not guilty.

However, counsel to the 1st defendant, Barrister Almustapha Abubakar and that of the 2nd and 3rd defendants, Barrister Shamsu Dauda, urged the court to recall PW1,2 and 3 for further cross-examination which was granted.

Magistrate Ahmad adjourned the case till March 3, 2021, for the recalling of the three witnesses.