COVID 19:  3 persons who travelled from UK, Egypt in self isolation in Kaduna

Three Kaduna residents who recently travelled from the UK and Egypt are in self isolation and being monitored for Covid-19, the state health officials said Saturday. They have shown no known symptoms of the disease, Kaduna health commissioner Dr Amina Mohammed-Baloni, said. She said the Infectious Disease Control Centre(IDCC)  has been strengthened and ready to […]

COVID 19:  3 persons who travelled from UK, Egypt in self isolation in Kaduna

Three Kaduna residents who recently travelled from the UK and Egypt are in self isolation and being monitored for Covid-19, the state health officials said Saturday.

They have shown no known symptoms of the disease, Kaduna health commissioner Dr Amina Mohammed-Baloni, said.

She said the Infectious Disease Control Centre(IDCC)  has been strengthened and ready to receive any case of the coronavirus pandemic.

“All travellers from affected countries should self-isolate for a period of 14 days and report any symptom of cough, fever or difficulty in breathing to the following numbers: 08025088304, 08032401473, 08035871662 and 08037808191,’’  she added.

The statement recalled that an Emergency Operations Committee  (EOC), comprising all relevant stakeholders, was set up on 28th February 2020, adding that it  meets twice weekly to review progress.

The commissioner further said that  residents should  maintain social distancing, by keeping at least two meters apart from other people, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

Dr Baloni also advised them to practise respiratory hygiene by covering the nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the tissue immediately in a covered bin or cough into your elbow.

Kaduna has already banned gatherings of more than 50 people and closed all schools with effect from Monday.

Social gatherings like  parties, socialising  at bars, restaurants, night clubs and  public parks  have been  suspended until further notice
