COVID-19: FG threatens to review lockdown ease over compliance, worship centres

Federal government says it would review its ease on lockdown to reopen worship centres amidst concern that noncompliance could heighten risk of transmission.

COVID-19: FG threatens to review lockdown ease over compliance, worship centres

File photo of a Church and Mosque

Federal government says it would review its ease on lockdown to reopen worship centres amidst concern that noncompliance could heighten risk of transmission.

The government continues to monitor overall compliance to gradual easing of restrictions and the evolution of the pandemic.

The nation has gone into a second phase of “gradual easing of lockdown”.

The Presidential Task Force on Covid-19 says implementation of guidelines nationwide and statewide oversight of this second phase of the response to coronavirus is critical.

“The response needs to be decentralized to the local governments level, identifying high burden LGAs and ensuring mapping of adequate support to rapidly trace, test and treat cases,” said Boss Mustapha, chairman of the taskforce, at the latest briefing of the task force.

“States need to drive aggressive campaigns to engage communities in order to address behavior change and debunk misconceptions and stigma. Traditional and religious institutions have a role to play in sensitizing communities about COVID 19,” Mustapha said.

While saying that in the last couple of days, the PTF has received inquiries on some aspects of the guidelines, the SGF assured all Nigerians that they have been simplified as much as possible and the dissemination has already commenced through the electronic and print media.

Fears over re-opening of worship centres

Guidelines for restricted opening of centres of worship become more pressing as weekend approaches.

National guidelines have been shared with states, and federal government expects religious leaders agree to the protocoals.

“Compliance is important so as to avoid unwanted consequences that put the lives of people at risk of contracting COVID19. We urge utmost caution at all times. The PTF will continue to monitor the overall compliance to the easing of restriction as well as evolution of the outbreak,” said Mustapha.

“However, we will not hesitate to review as we progress, should the situation warrant, to avoid preventable risks of transmission,” Mustapha said.

Self-medication, despite WHO resumption of chloroquine trial

The SGF recall that the hydroxychloroquine in the on-going solidarity trial on effective treatments for COVID-19 was temporarily halted by the WHO on 25th May, 2020 pending review of all safety data by the   Solidarity Trial Data Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC).

He said that the WHO, as part of efforts to find a cure to the COVID-19, has resumed the inclusion of patients in the hydroxychloroquine arm of the study. “The PTF however advises against self-medication in all circumstances,” he added.

Individual responsibility

According to Mustapha, it is important for individuals to take responsibility, you especially as the nation go into community engagement, thus citizens should cooperate with agents of the state governments, local and community authorities and their leadership.

He also said the PTF have received reports about citizens refusing to help with contact tracing as well as going into isolation after testing positive.

He said it is in the interest of everybody that contacts are traced to slow down the spread and that it is also in the nation’s interest to go into isolation facilities for close monitoring. He said, “A number of fatalities have been recorded due to change in the condition of patients while staying outside the isolation facilities. Our appeal is that if agents of the state get in touch with you regarding testing, contact tracing activities, please cooperate

“Also, let us be prepared to be quarantined and to monitor our health for onset of symptoms because it is important for us to break the chain of transmission and prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in our dear country.”

The SGF said that earlier in the week, the PTF raised the red flag and enumerated efforts to cut down the rate of infection among medical workers.

He said the NCDC is stepping up training on infection, prevention and control to slow this emerging situation down.

“We need our health workers to be healthy and available. As always, we remain very proud of you all,” he added.

He also reiterated that as the nation is now in the planting season and the farmers now involved in land preparation and planting of crops, the guidelines have exempted the agricultural value chain from the restrictions put in place, to guarantee a seamless flow of agricultural activities.

“It is therefore important that we do everything possible to guarantee our food security by supporting our hardworking farmers to function. I, therefore appeal to all the various task forces and security personnel at the sub-national levels to ensure easy passage of these inputs to our farmers,” he said.

He also said that the nation has continued to receive support from development partners and that on Wednesday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) delivered test reagents, kits and a PCR Machine to the country.