COVID-19: How to use, care for face masks

The use of face masks is one of the measures prescribed by global and national health organisations and experts in protecting people from COVID-19, especially when in public places, and in reducing the spread of the pandemic. There have also been concerns about effects of prolonged wearing of face masks on the respiratory system. Recently, […]

COVID-19: How to use, care for face masks

The use of face masks is one of the measures prescribed by global and national health organisations and experts in protecting people from COVID-19, especially when in public places, and in reducing the spread of the pandemic.

There have also been concerns about effects of prolonged wearing of face masks on the respiratory system.

Recently, a viral message on social media stated that prolonged use of COVID-19-related face masks causes health problems due to breathing in too much exhaled carbon dioxide.

Another medic who craves anonymity said that prolonged use of face masks causes hypoxia, and also leads to dizziness.

According to him, it causes discomfort, and loss of reflexes. “It generates great fatigue. In addition, oxygen deficiency causes glucose breakdown and endangered lactic acid rise.”

However, a Consultant Physician and Pulmonologist in Abuja, Dr Ndubuisi Onuoha,  said while the use of face masks as a prevention against COVID-19 has some physiological changes, the negative effects of their prolonged use are insignificant.

He said medical masks are more dangerous to wear for a prolonged time.


What to do if you have respiratory problems

He said people with respiratory problems should, however, be cautious of the way they wear face masks, saying that their system could not tolerate it for too long because it raises the carbon dioxide levels of the body.

He said: “It just gives some people a kind of inconvenience and the desire to breathe more.

“For those with respiratory problems, if they feel uncomfortable while wearing a mask, they can pull it down at intervals to get fresh air and put it on again when they feel better, rather than not wearing it at all. But then, it is not very safe to keep touching the mask.”

Dr Onuoha advised that the best solution for those having respiratory problems is for them to stay at home.

He said if they must go out, they should make use of the face mask to protect them from being infected with COVID-19.

He, however, added it is not advisable for them to drive while wearing the mask.

According to him, a report from a multidisciplinary group convened by the Royal Society called Delve Data Evaluation and Learning for Viral Epidemics has weighed up the evidence and come out in favour of the public wearing of face masks, including homemade cloth coverings, in tackling COVID-19.

The pulmonologist said, “if you wear mask and all the people around you too wear masks, it helps limits the spread of infections.

“So, with everyone wearing masks, it will help reduce transmission of infections.”

While saying that the locally made fabric mask is effective, he said people could be at more risk of the virus from the way they use the masks.

He said if you wear it consistently without properly taking care of it by daily washing, sun drying and ironing it, it will make lots of virus to settle on it.


Soak in water with detergent for 30 minutes

Dr Onuoha said the way to care for fabric face mask is to soak it in water with soap or detergent within 30 minutes which is enough to kill germ or virus that has settled on it.

He said: “Sun dry properly; as a result of the rainy season, the sun is no longer shining as usual, so ensure you iron it after it is dried before usage.”

“Also when you get home, remove the mask, and don’t drop it where the children can see and touch it; it is dangerous. Touching it again and again can also cause infection and the viral load of the infection will be much on you.

“The process is to wash it; sun dry properly and iron it before use again. It is advisable to have multiple so that you can alternate as you take care of the used ones.

“Mind you, having multiple ones doesn’t mean you should not repeat the process of taking care of your fabric face mask before use because doing that will save you a lot from contracting the  virus. It is very important to take good care of your face mask,” Onuoha said.

He said countries like Vietnam and Taiwan did not lock down but leveraged on the use of face mask from the first day and recorded minimal cases.

“Vietnam was able to curtail the infection by making the use of face mask compulsory for everybody.

“Although they did not lock down their country amidst COVID-19, from the beginning, they made the law and business continued. Vietnam is one of the countries in Europe that has the lowest burden of coronavirus.”

Dr Onuoha said while some people in the country are not wearing and caring for their masks properly, the rate of infection would be higher when people are not wearing masks at all.

He said despite making the use of masks compulsory, government and other relevant stakeholders shouldn’t stop  enlightening the public on hand washing, use of sanitisers and social distancing “because wearing mask does not give you the liberty to go close to people because the farther away you stay from people the better.”


The physician suggested the following tips in using masks:

Ø  Don’t touch it

Ø  Do not remove and put on the bed or wardrobe after use.

Ø  Wash it, sun dry and iron properly.

Ø  If it is the surgical mask, discard it after use. The N95 mask shouldn’t be used by the public. It is for those who are in the front lines.

Ø  The surgical mask shouldn’t be worn in the public for easy accessibility for the medical team.

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