COVID-19: Time to find solution in alternative medicine – Mamora

The Minister of State for Health, Dr Olorunnibe Mamora, has said it is time to find a solution in the area of alternative medicine to tackle Coronavirus since there has not been any single medicine found globally to cure the virus. He was speaking at the official presentation of three books written by Pharmacist Zainab […]

COVID-19: Time to find solution in alternative medicine – Mamora

Senator Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora

The Minister of State for Health, Dr Olorunnibe Mamora, has said it is time to find a solution in the area of alternative medicine to tackle Coronavirus since there has not been any single medicine found globally to cure the virus.

He was speaking at the official presentation of three books written by Pharmacist Zainab Shariff, Director and Head of Department, Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (TCAM) of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Tuesday in Abuja.

The three books titled, Common Medicinal Plants in Nigeria, Medicinal Plants for First Aid Kit (The Kitchen Spice Rack) and Healing Recipes and Herbal Therapy for Common Ailments, provide information about the various herbal plants available in Nigeria, their usage and most of the preparation for effective treatment of different ailments.

Dr Mamora, who said the books launched were a result of research findings in the field of medicinal plants, added that “if we cannot find the global cure for COVID-19, it is time we move to Africa in finding solutions in the area of alternative medicine through diverse research in natural plants.”

He also said the Ministry had taken giant steps towards promotion, development and institutionalisation of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine practices in the country.

The wife of the president, Mrs Aisha Buhari, at the event, urged Nigerians to embrace traditional medicine for better health and wellbeing while saying that traditional complementary and alternative medicines were now the new norm to reduce the impact of side effects of orthodox medicines.

Mrs Buhari, who commended the author for documenting her experience, also said traditional, complementary and alternative medicine was worth the commitment she put into the work.

“We hope that the books would be of utmost benefit to Nigerians and beyond,” she added.

The author of the books, Pharm Shariff, said “we must take advantage of the benefits in alternative medicine both for our well beings and the economic purpose.”