COVID-19, trial from Allah – Cleric

The Chief Imam of al-Huda Masjid Byazhin-Kubwa, Abuja, Dr. Rafee’ Owonla Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, has said that the raging COVID-19 pandemic is a trial from Allah. The cleric stated this in his Jumuah khutbah (sermon) titled “Mishaps are tools for obliterating sins with Patience”. According to him, “presently, humanity is being tempted by a block of […]

COVID-19, trial from Allah – Cleric
COVID-19, trial from Allah – Cleric

The Chief Imam of al-Huda Masjid Byazhin-Kubwa, Abuja, Dr. Rafee’ Owonla Busayree Al-Ijebuwi, has said that the raging COVID-19 pandemic is a trial from Allah.

The cleric stated this in his Jumuah khutbah (sermon) titled “Mishaps are tools for obliterating sins with Patience”.

According to him, “presently, humanity is being tempted by a block of some countries’ demons, in what is termed the pandemic virus of COVID-19.”

He said, “According to the statement of those devils, when they perceived the turning of the epidemic virus upon them, they were puzzled by the small number of Africans compared to the peers in Europe and America.

“We are not irritated about their actions because Allah Ta’ala has told us in Suratul Furqaan verse 20: “We made some of you a trial for others, will you have patience? Since your Lord is Ever, All-Seer of all things.”

While urging the citizens to abide by the government guidelines on COVID-19, he said people should not wrongly understand the Tawheed Rububiyyah (Oneness of Allah’s Lordship) in a way different from its objective.

He said, “Whenever they are been ordered to use the face masks, adhere to the social distancing and avoid mingling unnecessarily, they are fond of saying; ‘if Allah has predetermined our infection with Coronavirus, it will eventually affect us even if we are in thick protective overalls’.

“These (kind of) people are ignorant as they seem to involve themselves in such errors.”

He said anyone who uses destiny as a shield is contradicting himself, because Allah links results to their causes. He therefore urged people to be disciplined and shun unnecessary arguments.