Creativity: Missing or stolen?

The ability to make new things and or thinking of new original ideas is what creativity is all about. Despite the psychological fact; that creativity is within us all, but most of the people used less than 15% of their brain capacity. And unfortunately for us, whether we use our creativity or not; it will […]

Creativity: Missing or stolen?
Creativity: Missing or stolen?

The ability to make new things and or thinking of new original ideas is what creativity is all about. Despite the psychological fact; that creativity is within us all, but most of the people used less than 15% of their brain capacity. And unfortunately for us, whether we use our creativity or not; it will only live within us while we live and die with us when our time comes.

The “why” and “how” questions are the keys for unlocking our creative potentials. These questions trigger our subconscious and super conscious minds which enable us to fill-in the gap between the “imaginations” and the “realities”. But most of the times, we choose to ask the “what” question which keeps us within our comfort zone.

Example: people like Einstein, Newton, Ghandi, Mandela, Gates, Zuckerberg and many more; their persistence, self-esteem and tenacity to ask “why” and “how” questions has a tremendous effe ct in turning their “imaginations” i nto “realities”. And their conviction to pursue and ponder over those questions has transformed the world than ever imagine possible.

In comparison, we focus our energy, c oncentrate our minds and spend our valuable time in answering the “what” question; by relaying on existing theories in our school curricula, answering the answered questions, exploring and heightening the images of those before us. We buried our minds and talents beneath the pages of our books; which make us an expert in subconscious plagiarism. Very sad, we are unknowingly celebrating someone’s victory!

Similarly in our communities, instead of looking through the future and live a creative life, we often choose to live a life of reading the history of successful people. We choose mediocrity instead of creativity, we choose to remain in our comfort zones; not knowing how many creative potentials: ideas, talents, dreams, gifts or abilities our comfort zone is robbing us.

To sum all, whether our creativity is missing or stolen by ourselves or our system, it’s high time for us to look for it, if we are to stay competitive in creative world of our for this century and beyond.

Ibrahim Haruna MaiJamaa    [email protected]