The pathogen also survives on tomato seeds, thus it is always crucial for the farmer to acquire certified seeds that are free and resistant to the disease. Pruning the crop, especially the lower leaves, helps to prevent the spread since the leaves easily get infected while in contact with the soil. While carrying out management […]


The pathogen also survives on tomato seeds, thus it is always crucial for the farmer to acquire certified seeds that are free and resistant to the disease.

Pruning the crop, especially the lower leaves, helps to prevent the spread since the leaves easily get infected while in contact with the soil.

While carrying out management practices such as weeding and pruning, one should use disinfected tools and work from areas that are not affected to avoid further spread of the disease.

During the rainy season, splash erosion also causes the spread of diseases as the spores are easily dispersed. In dry conditions, drip irrigation system is preferred as overhead results to the spread of the disease. The spores are also spread by wind, hence the need to have windbreakers around the farm.

Control of susceptible weeds such as black nightshade in a tomato field is vital since it acts as an alternate host of the disease.

Crop nutrition should be well taken care of by applying the required fertiliser using the recommended rates in line with the soil test analysis as this maintains the crop vigour.

Crop support in tomatoes is also vital as this increases air circulation around the plant and facilitates airflow and penetration of chemicals and bio pesticides.

Also, planting the tomatoes in raised beds helps in preventing the disease since it improves the drainage and prevents the infection from spreading.

Mulching the beds using organic or plastic mulch also plays a critical role in preventing the plant from being infected since they create a barrier between the contaminated soil and the leaves.

Sometimes the flea beetles transmit the disease. Copper-based chemicals can also be used to prevent the occurrence of the disease while chemicals with an active ingredient such as mannose can also be used to control the disease.

Early blight results in lowered tomato production and increases costs. It should not be confused with late blight, which affects tomatoes, especially during the late stage of the growing season.

Edited version of the story as it appeared in  the Daily Nation of Kenya.