CSO plants 100 trees to improve Benue varsity vegetation

The trees planted include 52 Mahogany trees (Khaya senegalensis), 20 Locust beans trees (Parkia

CSO plants 100 trees to improve Benue varsity vegetation

A coalition of Civil Society Organisations in Benue State (CSO-B) has planted over one 100 trees within the premises of Benue State University Makurdi for improved vegetation of the environment.

The organisations, which came together to push for the restoration of peace and sustainable development in Benue communities, said the six-day tree event was to mark this year’s International Youth Day.

Coordinator of CSO-B, Dr Helen Teghtegh, said the idea was to improve the vegetation of the school and also preserve some of the food trees that are almost going into extinction.

“We’re not also taking for granted the fact that the school is growing a community of human population that needs the trees for shades, oxygen and prevention of erosion and other environmental hazards.”

The trees planted include 52 Mahogany trees (Khaya senegalensis), 20 Locust beans trees (Parkia biglobosa), 10 Ogbono trees (irvingia gabonensis) and 20 Oil palm trees (Eleas guineansis).

Earlier, the Vice Chancellor of the University who is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of CSO-B, Prof. Tor Joe Iorapuu, thanked CSO-B for choosing the university community as a beneficiary of the kind gesture.

“Knowing too well, the gradual extinction of these trees and the endless need of the tree in community like ours is reason enough for me to come out to be part of the activity,” he said.