Cultivating the habit of punctuality

  Showing up late at meetings and events can make you become stressed up which leaves others to question your reliability. Though you’d love to be on time whenever and wherever you go, punctuality doesn’t come naturally to you. This is because there are so many factors responsible for this. Life Xtra spoke with some […]

Cultivating the habit of punctuality
Cultivating the habit of punctuality


Showing up late at meetings and events can make you become stressed up which leaves others to question your reliability. Though you’d love to be on time whenever and wherever you go, punctuality doesn’t come naturally to you. This is because there are so many factors responsible for this.

Life Xtra spoke with some respondents on how they are able to cope with the challenges they face in trying to their and be punctual at events.

Itoro Ita, a graduate, says although he is punctual most times, he sometimes ends up being one of the major late comers.  Having the ‘African time’ mentality was the major reason why people attend events late. “Some events tend to start later than planned so when one goes early to such events, he’s frustrated. He then tends to end up arriving late for other events,” he said.

Ita said the key to dealing with this is being principled. Making a determination to arrive early not withstanding what time the event starts. “Another challenge is leaving in time for the event. One way to deal with this is making sure one goes to bed early so as to wake up early too. Then, procrastination is another issue that has to be dealt with squarely,” he said.

“I am always punctual when going alone but when going out with my wife, punctuality is a struggle. But on the rate of 1-10 when going out with my wife, we score 8,” says Omotayo Taiwo.

Chiaka Jiakponna attributes her inability to be punctual to heavy traffic. “Sometimes it’s the traffic and other times getting a taxi can be challenging,” he said. To meet up with any event or programme she’s attending, she says, adding that: “I take a drop; therefore spending more than budgeted for.”

Others find that planning in time helps to be punctual.  The reason is to avoid any “unforeseen occurrences” which may crop up on the way. Obed Tyena Maidodo, an electrical engineer, told Life Xtra that he is always punctual to events and programmes he is invited to.

He said: “There is the knowledge of the challenge that even when one goes early, the majority will come late for the event but, as a practice, I ensure I keep to my principle despite the popular ‘African time’ mentality. I ensure that I leave early for the destination to avoid delays due to traffic and unforeseen hitches.”

Mercy Amaechi, a youth corps member, also says she is always punctual except if she’s distracted by unforeseen circumstances. “One major challenge I’ve encountered time and again is when it’s a group thing. A number of the group members often don’t arrive early so when I go and they are not there, I leave and they come later. Of course, I have a made up mind to receive their insults and displeasure for not waiting for them,” she said.

“On a personal note, I plan my day from when I wake up until the end of the day. On the issue of punctuality, I really love to keep to time,” Mercy remarked.

Daniel Peter, a student, says he is punctual most times “except there are unforeseen circumstances. Basically it’s the traffic issue and leaving home earlier than usual is my best option.”