Curbing examination malpractice in Northern Nigeria

Examination malpractice is becoming rampant in the Northern part and is affecting the quality of education in the region. Today, students are involved in examination malpractice through “collusion”, a situation  whereby a student will copy directly from  another candidate; or by impersonation where students employ someone to write the examination on their behalf, among others […]

Curbing examination malpractice in Northern Nigeria
Curbing examination malpractice in Northern Nigeria

Examination malpractice is becoming rampant in the Northern part and is affecting the quality of education in the region.

Today, students are involved in examination malpractice through “collusion”, a situation  whereby a student will copy directly from  another candidate; or by impersonation where students employ someone to write the examination on their behalf, among others

Many students engage in this act because of fear of failure because they not study enough to pass the examination.

Also, bad teachers too contribute by encouraging students to engage in the practice. This is largely due to the fact that many teachers do not have the passion to teach anymore.

In some cases, malpractice occurs due to the bad state of our schools. Many of our schools, especially the public ones, are poorly equipped and students are not taught well.

To address the situation, we must ensure that we have qualified teachers in all our schools who would teach students effectively.

Our leaders must also ensure that all our schools are fully equipped and provided with a conducive environment for learning.

Furthermore, examination malpractice cannot be curbed unless the government pays teachers good salary. This will make them pay more attention on their job.

Haneef Muhammad  resides in Gombe.