Cyber criminals leak hundreds of Minecraft’s login details

Reports on a German website claim that a list of 1,800 Microsoft-owned Minecraft’s usernames and passwords have been published online. With access to these details, a security expert warns that criminals could break into accounts, change settings and buy virtual items.The hack was reported by Heise Online, and many of the verified accounts are believed […]

Cyber criminals leak hundreds of Minecraft’s login details
Cyber criminals leak hundreds of Minecraft’s login details

Reports on a German website claim that a list of 1,800 Microsoft-owned Minecraft’s usernames and passwords have been published online.
With access to these details, a security expert warns that criminals could break into accounts, change settings and buy virtual items.
The hack was reported by Heise Online, and many of the verified accounts are believed to belong to German gamers.
It is not known how the hackers got their hands on the credentials, but security analyst Graham Cluely wrote on the Hot for Security blog: ‘Possibilities range from simple phishing attacks, keylogging malware stealing players’ details as they log into the game, or even a security breach at Minecraft itself.
‘Let’s hope it’s not the last one – because the game has over 100 million registered users.’
However, a Microsoft spokesman told MailOnline: ‘We can confirm that no service was compromised.
‘Normal industry procedures for dealing with situations like this were put in place to reset passwords for the small number of affected accounts.’