Cyber threats: Security experts advise organisations on secure operation

Cyber security experts have advised organisations that handle financial services and sensitive data to adopt measures to protect themselves from cyber attacks. Giving the advice at a workshop organised by a software development and IT security company, ITANDT Solutions Limited, in collaboration with International Business Machines (IBM) and Interdist Alliances, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer […]

Cyber threats: Security experts advise organisations on secure operation

Cyber security experts have advised organisations that handle financial services and sensitive data to adopt measures to protect themselves from cyber attacks.

Giving the advice at a workshop organised by a software development and IT security company, ITANDT Solutions Limited, in collaboration with International Business Machines (IBM) and Interdist Alliances, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of ITANDT Solutions Limited, Mr Akpos Okoro, said today’s cyber supply chain has removed the traditional security perimeter as enterprises adopt cloud, mobile, Internet of Things and social technologies.

“There’s no such thing as perfect security. An agile and commercially pragmatic approach is essential for the growth and innovation required to thrive in the new world,” Okoro said, warning organisations that

irreparable brand damage and financial losses could occur if they didn’t install measures to timely detect and rapidly respond to incidents.

At the event, two experts from IBM described how the company had helped organisations to work ahead of cyber criminals and also avoid  heavy regulatory sanctions.

Ronald Martey of IBM Security Solutions (Central and West Africa) described how IBM’s “top leading” Security Intelligence solution, QRadar SIEM, consolidated siloed information to more effectively detect and manage complex threats.

According to him, “the secret behind QRadar being the solution of choice is mainly because of its Watson cognitive (embedded Artificial Intelligence) ability to fight cybercrime, coupled with its ability to integrate with IBM and other third party components for automated response to intrusion attempts or incidents.”